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Wrens (5)

Sedge Wren
An uncommon winter resident, late October - March, in sedge grass of the region. Found most commonly at Tenoroc State Preserve, which is between Auburndale and Lakeland. Up to 30 in a day have been reported. LCBC high count of 72 in 1994.

Marsh Wren
An uncommon winter visitor, November - April, in cat tail marshes of the region. Only found a couple at a time except for April when they sing. High count of 31 in April 1999. This bird may breed locally. LCBC high count of 14 in 1992.

Carolina Wren *
A common resident of the region. Can build nests almost anywhere. Up to 30 in a day have been reported. LWCBC high count of 137 in 1996; LCBC 116 in 1974.

House Wren
A common winter resident, October - April( early date 22 August), found throughout the region. Up to 20 in a day in sparrow fields. LCBC high count of 88 in 1997.

Winter Wren
A possible winter visitor but not yet proven.