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Tree Swallow
A common winter visitor, October - early May, mainly over wetlands and fields. Flocks of thousands are common at times. In the spring of 1978 an estimated 200,000 birds were moving up the Kissimmee River valley. LWCBC high count of 6,786 in 1989; LCBC 6237 in 1996.

Purple Martin *
A common spring resident, late February - July, mostly over suburban areas of the region. In July, 1979 a flock of 25,000 was reported from a phosphate mine on SR 60.

Northern Rough-winged Swallow *
An uncommon summer resident, March - September, found mostly in PPM. Highest daily count of 342 in July 2001 and 215 in July 1999.

Bank Swallow
An uncommon migrant, May and Late July - October, thinly scattered throughout the region. A flock of 200 was reported from the PPM in October 1986, but 3 or 4 would be more likely elsewhere.

Barn Swallow
A common migrant, April-May and late July - September over the region. Hundreds in a day may be seen. The first confirmed breeding was reported in extreme southeastern Polk County in the summer of 2000.

Cliff Swallow
A rare migrant seen first in October 1987 in SCP. Last sighting was 8 birds at PPM on September 16, 2000. It is not impossible that these last birds were West Indian Cave Swallows but id was unclear.