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American White Pelican
A common resident whose numbers dwindle to a few stragglers from May to August. A flock of 8,000 was noted in PPM in November, 1989. On January 20, 2001, as many as 9,000 were noted on a PPM trip. LCBC high count of 6,500 in 1984.

Great White Pelican
One individual found in a phosphate mine with hundreds of other pelicans in 1998 may have been an escapee, but the bird was never found after the initial discovery. On January 20, 2001 a similar "pink"pelican was seen by many observers at the same location.

Brown Pelican
A rare but regular bird found in every month of the year generally in the larger water bodies. They sometimes occur in the company of White Pelicans. Usually found singly but a flock of 12 in Winter Haven was reported. At the end of the 1990s these pelicans were roosting at night in old Lakeland PPM's and not returning to the coast. These pelicans are far more common in the county today than just 5 years ago. LCBC high count of 26 in 2000 (SSC)