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A rare cage bird escapee found at home feeders countywide. They don't appear to survive long in the outside world. Single birds have been reported in 1988, 1994, and last seen in May of 1997 in Winter Haven. They may have nested.

Nanday Parakeet
A rare cage bird escapee found in small flocks in the Lakeland area in 1989. LCBC high count of 5 in 1981.

Monk Parakeet *
An uncommon resident, increasing in number. This parrot is spreading rapidly since it was first discovered in Babson Park in 1984. Monks are cooperative nesters. A flock of 27 was on a utility wire in Auburndale in December 1999 near a nest tree. LCBC high count of 159 in 2003 and 96 in 1999.

note: a variety of escaped parrots are reported from time to time, but they never presist.