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Blackbirds, Grackles, Orioles(12)

Baltimore Oriole
An uncommon winter visitor, September - April, that sometimes form winter roosts with up to 20 birds. Formerly known as Northern Oriole. Seem to prefer suburban areas. LCBC high count of 9 in 1987.

Bullock’s Oriole
A couple of records, last in Winter Haven in 1998. The two orioles were for a time lumped together and known as the Northern Oriole.

Orchard Oriole
A rare migrant last seen in Lake Alfred in 1997.

Yellow-headed Blackbird
A rare winter visitor last seen on September 19, 1999 near Bradly Junction. LCBC high count of 2 in 1995.

Red-winged Blackbird *
A common resident throughout the region especially in the winter, where flocks of hundreds can be seen. High count of 2,000 in November 1997. LCBC high count of 5,370 in 1983.

Eastern Meadowlark *
A fairly common resident of open spaces and fields of the region. Formerly quite common but now much less evident. LCBC high count of 181 in 1967.

Boat-tailed Grackle *
A common resident of wetlands and nearby areas. Flocks of a hundred or more are common in the winter. LCBC high count 3,986 in 1986.

Common Grackle *
A common bird of the more urban parts of the region but found everywhere. In winter utility lines can hold thousands of birds in enormous flocks. LCBC high count of 10,820 in 2000.

Rusty Blackbird
Formerly an uncommon winter visitor of swamps, but unreported in the County for at least ten years and perhaps longer. LCBC high count of 60 in 1972.

Bronzed Cowbird
Found locally only at the Skyview Golf Course in Lakeland late November -early April. Six or more birds have been seen there since 1990. Maxima 21 in December 1999. LCBC high count of 21 in 1999.

Brown-headed Cowbird *
A common resident of the County formerly absent in the summer but becoming more abundant. They form large flocks after breeding season that can exceed 4,000 individuals. LCBC high count of 5,315 in 1993.

An uncommon migrant in April/May, August/ September, of fields and PPM. Flocks of hundreds are found. The high count is 3,400 in April 1996.