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Click here for my how to make $$$ web page

Okay, if your reading this far down you deserve an explaination... seems that I sumitted this page to a major search engine before I sumitted it's follow up page (the one you are directed to at the top) and now the search engine won't index the page I want you to see. Why did I do my web page this way? Well I am a nubie at web design and I could not figure out how to get my main page to be on this page. I had a hard time with the page design prog I was using. I couldn't figure out how to upload my page of money making links to "index" so I just put a link there. Now I am at the bottom of some major search engines results. So here is my attempt at putting some substance into the page that comes up when you do your search. I hope you will follow the link at the top it leads to some really great links, some of which I get paid for you just to click on. Some I make money when you buy something from and some I just think are cool. I want to make money while working from home and this is one attempt to do so. I have learned alot about web design since I started this quest and I hope you can learn from my experience. at the bottom of this text I will give you links to my other pages (some of them) I hope when you have time you will follow those links. I think you will see how I have progressed in my ability to design web pages and I hope that if you are interested in such things you will help you make money with your computer too. So thanks for letting me take this time here are the links, I hope you have all the happiness, money, success and luck you can stand.

Learn how to make money, just for surfing the web! FOR FREE

Soon to be the BEST Online Super Store

To Where The Potatoe Babies Roam
The UNOFFICIAL Potatoe Babies Web Page

Make Money Online Banner
Learn How to Make Money Online

Trip to Race's Place
Race Bannon's Cozmic Trip Palace

"My How To MAKE MONEY On The Web Page", Where I give you step by step instuuctions as to how to make money on the web with a web page, without a web page, with affiliate programs, or without affiliate programs

Welcome to my Castle
A Vampire's Home Page

A great program to draw hits to your web page

The easiest money making program I have found yet

Well, I hope that helps you. (I hope it helps me to)and I hope we all can make more money than we can spend. GOOD LUCK, peace, OM SAI RAM

Now repeat after me... MONEY, Money, money, click your heels together three times and enjoy the trip.

My Mantra...

money, money, money, money, M-O-N-E-Y, M-O-N-E-Y, M-O-N-E-Y, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, m-o-n-e-y, m-o-n-e-y, m-o-n-e-y, money, money, money, money.

Repeat this 4 times a day and you will be a money magnet... It is all in the attitude. Okay update, my make money online page is now two months old and it is starting to get noticed by some of you. Those who came here to make money online on the web and those wo are just curious welcome. I looked for my page today on a search engine and it was rated number 157. Not good enough, afterall this home page has some of the best tip and tricks to making money online I have been able to find. What started out as idle curiosity has led me to a passion to own my own bussiness. I think many of you have said " I want to own my own business." but like me never had the risk capital it sometimes takes. Well here on the web there is a thing called the affiliate program, it is where you get paid money for sales that your pages generate, or just for people thet click through your page to get to someone elses web site. and I have done it with no capital risked. i already owned my computer and used it to e mail and play games, not real usefull but fun. Now all i want to do is make money with it. and when you do what I tell you to on the next page you too will be making money online in no time. The first program you should join is AllAdvantage, it is super simple but dont forget my all advantage account number "BEK-557" cause they pay for referals too. Then use my Online Money Making Page to get to other commission paying programs. I have made some money on the web with this program and I know you can too. If you just follow my instructons to how to make money online. and best of all 90% of it is free, free, free. Well i hope that clears things up a little and I hope it puts me higher in the search engines placement. If you came by this page by search engine and you want to take the time e mail me and tell me what you searched for and what number I came up as and what search engine you used. Again Thank you, and money, money , money, make it, make it make it. OM SAI RAM, Namatsi
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