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Kaity's Place

Hello! My name is Kaitlin Noelle Stack and I am from sunny Florida. I am now 5 years old. I am currently enrolled in preschool and I am doing very well. I can tie my own shoes and I know my phone number. I can also write my name without any help. I am a very active little girl. I take piano, dance, and gymnastics. I also LOVE Britney Spears!! Santa brought me a stereo so now I can listen to her whenever I want. Do you like my new cursor? My mom found it for me. Great huh! I had the best Halloween ever! My mom made me a WONDER WOMAN costume and I looked awesome! I have a new baby brother named Kevin Nicholas. He was born on Oct. 25th and is the best baby in the world. Please click on the link below to visit his page. I went on vacation to Ohio and New York at Christmas time. We got 18in of snow in NY. It was great. Make sure you check out my photo album.

Click here to go to Kevin's page