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Hello there. This is just a site about my poetry that I have wrtten throught the years, from very early to the current time, I shall attempt to keep it updated. I welcome any response, even if you do not like it. I do know that my earlier poems are not good at all considering I was just developiong my poetic writing style, but the more recent poems I welcome your thoughts on. Yes I realize most of them do not have a rhythm to them, or they do not rhyme, or what not, but to me this does not matter, it's the expression of my emotions, of the time that they were written, that is important to me.

Poetry from '93 thorugh '97

I would like to some of the more recent poetry that I have written, but this bloody cursed contraption had done its own thing, and I had lost many of them. I'm just patiently waiting copies of them from someone.

Most recent Poetry
(with no particular format)

Email Frayne

Last updated 5-05-2000