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1621 North Ft. Myers, Florida 33903 941-995-7809


By Darlene Daniels- DARLENE'S HAIR HUT

Make the hectic season easier to handle:

Take extra food supplements, Rest more, Increase the water you drink. Eat more fruits & vegetables instead of sweets.

Make a gift list: List that HairCut, The Highlights, A Massage, & The Hair Care Product CERTIFICATES ! Then just keep an extra one around for that last minute unexpected & needed gift!

STOP & PAMPER YOURSELF with a relaxing Manicure & Pedicure.

Have REFLEXOLOGY (Massage of hands & feet) helps all the body parts & the mind! :) Doesn't it sound great already?

MAKE THAT NEW YEARS RESOLUTION ------ TO PAMPER YOURSELF MORE OFTEN: then you will handle the stress of everyday a lot better when you take time for YOU ! You WILL feel BEAUTIFUL !


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