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February 7th, 2000
This site was created on June 12, 1999This site was 're-created' on November 18, 1999

Hey everyone! Welcome to More than a Fantahsay! This is my brand new BSB site! I've taken down my old one,as you can tell (lol) and only because I love the Backstreet Boys soooo very much I've come back and decided to start fresh!

So here you have it, More than a Fantahsay! Come in, look around and get comfortable, you know you're gonna be here awhile!

As you all know, this site has just been 'remade' and since it's late, on a school night right now, I'm not going to be getting most of the links published until tommorrow, when I come home and finish all the homework my teachers assign (only because they have no lives and think we're just like them......)

*****The Backstreet Boys mean the world to me, and I am dedicating this site, completely, in every possible way to the 5 hotties, Bri, Kev, Nicky, AJ and Howard (please, don't ask me why I call him Howard.....)*****

Helloooooo everybahday!!!! Looks like I'm back, huh!!!! After I "revamped" my page back in November....I put it up and then kinda forgot about it...sadly!!! But my new goal is to finish "More Than A Fantahsay"!!!! So I hope you'll like it when I finish!!! Tanky tanky!!!! You peeples know I love you!!!!Hehe!!!

>>Old GuEStbOOk<<
>>What the HECK does that mean??<<
>>The TRUTH about FloRiDA<<
>>How to tell IF you're obsessed<<
>>My ObseSSioN wiTH ObiE MorAnt<<
>>ThiNgs Only a fAn cOUld <3 loVe<<
>>The BaCKsTreet GirlfRIenDs<<
>>INteRActIve sTuff!<<