Medieval Romance
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Welcome to my page honoring medieval romance. The first books I read in this era were Shelley Bradley's Zebra Ballad trilogy BROTHER IN ARMS. They are three wonderful stories that are on my keeper shelf! Since I have become a fan of this theme I have been collecting books to add to my TBR pile. All the books I have listed on this page are books I own myself. If you can recommend other titles for me to read not on my list please email me. The underlined titles indicate books I have read. Happy reading!

Harlequin Historical © Feb '04

From the age of eight Melissande Deverell was raised in a convent and now as a young woman finds her life's fulfillment taking care of the convent's orphaned children. Free-spirited and educated, she enjoys her life and is soon to become a nun when a knight steals her away from the life she adores.

Lucian Barret did not imagine he would be the least bit attracted to a convent-raised woman but Melissande's beauty and vivacious nature is more than he expected. As a promised vow to his brother, Lucian is honor bound to deliver her to England so she may become his brother's wife. Lucian's dark past makes him unworthy of Melissandre's goodness but she is a constant temptation during their travels. Lucian battles not to give into his heart but is soon wondering how he will give her up as he has promised.

Joanne Rock has penned a medieval romance treasure with her debut historical....The Wedding Knight. Her talent shines through in a fascinating medieval plot with memorable characters. A strong, determined heroine and a world weary hero that deserves happiness but guards his heart foraciously. Readers will fall hard for him! I enjoyed my travels with this couple very much. The Wedding Knight pun intended!!

Visit Joanne's website!

Joanne Rock has generously contributed two autographed copies of The Wedding Knight for me to give away to readers. The contest is over and the winners have been chosen. Congrats to Joy Isley and Marlene Breakfield. Thanks to everyone that joined. Happy reading!!

The Promise of Rain -Shana Abe
The Truelove Bride -Shana Abe
Believe -Victoria Alexander
Knave of Hearts -Shari Anton
Dragon's Dower -Catherine Archer
Dragon's Knight -Catherine Archer
Velvet Bond -Catherine Archer
Velvet Touch -Catherine Archer
Lion's Heart -Suzanne Barclay
Lion's Lady -Suzanne Barclay
Lion's Legacy -Suzanne Barclay
Lion of the North -Suzanne Barclay
Pride of Lions -Suzanne Barclay
Taming the Lion -Suzanne Barclay
Wicked -Jill Barnett
Wild -Jill Barnett
Wonderful -Jill Barnett
The Bride of Rosecliffe -Rexanne Becnel
The Knight of Rosecliffe -Rexanne Becnel
The Mistress of Rosecliffe -Rexanne Becnel
The Maiden's Heart -Julie Beard
The Lily & the Sword -Sara Bennett
His Lady Bride -Shelley Bradley
His Stolen Bride -Shelley Bradley
His Rebel Bride -Shelley Bradley
A Rogue's Heart - Debra Lee Brown
The MacKintosh Bride - Debra Lee Brown
The Virgin Spring - Debra Lee Brown
George & the Virgin- Lisa Cach
My Champion -Glynnis Campbell
The Last Arrow -Marsha Canham
Lily Fair -Kimberly Cates
A True and Perfect Knight -Susan Charnley
Court of Love -Denee Cody
Queen of the May -Denee Cody
The Conquered Heart -Denee Cody
The Golden Rose -Denee Cody
Follow the Moon -Linda Cook
Prince of Hearts -Katy Cooper
Enchantress -Susan Lynn Crose
Deeper Than Roses -Charlene Cross
The Holding -Claudia Dain
Enchanted- Claire Delacroix
Romance of the Rose -Claire Delacroix
The Magician's Quest -Claire Delacroix
Once a Knight -Christina Dodd
Ride the Night Wind -Jo Ann Ferguson
Wake not the Dragon -Jo Ann Ferguson
The Irish Knight -Amy J. Fetzer
The Dragon Hour- Connie Flynn
The Scotsman -Juliana Garnett
The Vow -Juliana Garnett
The Darkest Knight -Callan Gayle
The Defiant Heart -Anita Gordon
The Valiant Heart -Anita Gordon
The Elusive Bride -Deborah Hale
The Warrior's Damsel -Denise Hampton
For My Lady's Heart -Jane Howard
For My Lady's Honor -Jane Howard
My Lord Conqueror -Samantha James
My Rebellious Heart -Samantha James
The Truest Heart -Samantha James
The Warrior -Nicole Jordan
To Charm a Knight -Linda Kay
Haunted by Love -Amber Kaye
A Once and Future Love -Anne Kelleher
Laird of the Wind -Susan King
The Stone Maiden -Susan King
The Swan Maiden -Susan King
The Sword Maiden -Susan King
For My Lady's Heart -Laura Kinsale
A Slip in Time - Kathleen Kirkwood
A Knight's Passion -Candice Kohl
A Knight's Vow -Candice Kohl
Lady Outlaw -Kathryn Kramer
Notorious -Kathryn Kramer
The Highlander -Ruth Ryan Langan
Lord of the Keep -Ann Lawrence
Lord of the Mist -Ann Lawrence
Unforgotten -Tamara Leigh
Master of Desire -Kinley Macgregor
Charming the Prince - Teresa Medeiros
Touch of Enchantment -Teresa Medeiros
'Til There Was You -Elizabeth Ann Michaels
Fire & Sword -Theresa Michaels
Magic & Mist -Theresa Michaels
Silk & Steel -Theresa Michaels
A Rogue's Embrace -Margaret Moore
The Maiden & her Knight -Margaret Moore
The Saxon -Margaret Moore
The Sword & the Flame -Patricia Phillips
The Last Knight -Candice Proctor
A Knight of Honor -Laurel O'Donnell
The Angel & the Prince -Laurel O'Donnell
Moonlight Mistress -Patricia Rice
A Winter Ballad -Barbara Samuel
Bed of Spices -Barbara Samuel
Heart of a Knight -Barbara Samuel
Always-Lynsay Sands
Bliss-Lynsay Sands
Sweet Revenge -Lynsay Sands
The Deed -Lynsay Sands
The Key-Lynsay Sands
What She Wants -Lynsay Sands
Heart of the Dragon -Sharon Schulze
Maid of Midnight -Ana Seymour
Bride of the Mist -Christina Skye
The Vow -Mary Spencer
Devil in a Kelt -Sue Ellen Welfonder
Knight in my Bed Sue Ellen Welfonder
The Moon Lord -Terri Lynn Wilhelm

List to be updated soon!

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New Page Created 2/8/04