Vernon Castle was an english man who studied civil engineering before turning to the stage and making his debut in 1907. In 1911, he married Irene Foote from New Rochelle, New York.

In 1912 in Paris, the Castles' versions of such dances as the "Texas Tommy" and the "Grizzly Bear" brought them fame. The team originated the "Castle Walk, the "One-Step, and the "Hesitation Waltz" while Irene Castle introduced bobbed hair and the slim, boyish figure to the ballroom and the world of fashion.

Vernon and Irene Castle

Vernon and Irene Castle were undoubtedly the most famous ballroom dancers of their day and were the first to make a career of ballroom dancing. They popularized many innovative dances and their talents and public attitudes made them perfect symbols for the new generation.

Their brief career stands as a metaphor of an entire glittering, fragile world, soon to be shattered by the horrors of World War One when Vernon Castle - a pilot during World War One - was killed during a training mission in Texas.

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