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"What I Miss"

10 May 1999
To the Other Half of my Being whom I gave my love to through friendship first!
You truly were a rarity in my life, and I loved you like no other.

I miss your kiss
I miss your embrace
I love your smile
And your wonderful face

I miss the laughter
I miss the rain
I love you dearly
And treasure you the same

Your eyes mirror your soul
I see a fire burning inside
never thoguht you could hear me
Never thought I'd read your mind

Your heart is warmer
Than the morning sun
Reflecting in the mirrors
Of your soul in your eyes

As you gently brush my cheek
And run your fingers through my hair
I hear your heart beat
And I melt in your stare

The sunlight catches your light eyes
Early in rhe morning
You swept me off my feet
Without any warning

When I wake in the morning
And find you at my side
Knowing you stayed here with me
Warms me all inside

I could lay here for hours
Just holding you close
But the miles have come
Between us, for the most

But here in my heart
You'll forever remain
Reminding me of you every chance
I get to dance in the summer rain

As your tracing the soft curves of my waist
Or touching the freckles all over my face
I feel something as pure as morning dyew
Something I feared, 'cause this is new

A love from a person
I was too blind to see
Someone to protect me
And take care of me

You wipe away my tears
With your sweet smile
Withing your embrace
The world blurs for a while

Listening to your heartbeat
So closely to mine
Soothes my tense body
Caloms my troubled mind

I close my eyes
You are here with me
I reach out to hold you
You're so dear to me

I miss your kiss
I miss your embrace
I love your smile
And your wonderful face

I miss the laughter
I miss the rain
I love you dearly
And treasure you the same.