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Beyond this shore and beyond the farther shore...Where the end has no end and there was no beginning...I will be there smiling with you and tearing my recorded mistakes into shreads and tossing them to the fire. Then I shall sigh and take up my sword and assume my constant journey...With only a quick glance back to the days of chivalry, strength, bravery and vigilance...Love and laughter...that echoed cross the moors...and a bond formed A thousand years ago..."Sir Jamie"

...and my weapon was my hurting heart..Now mine own sword sticketh deep in it...I the loser...and I alone should reap what I have planted...and I fear I will...over and over! I affected something that I was "removed" from...taken away...excised. I tried to change what had happened to me. I was finished...and Oh My GOD...I, the loser, in total disreguard and desperation did try to breathe life into a thing that rested, was put away, filed, switched off, closed...I tried to revive the un-revivable. And in my hope and expectation...I saw the "thing" that resulted...and tried to run from it's wrath...but it is seeking me out and finding me out and snuffing me out! Intervene...GOD, Intervene...

And gladly with my last breath...I would wrench back the hands of time...if only it were...and banish myself the prizm of the future...


BwanaLama Services Ltd.1999