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Welcome To Lady Sinfully's Livingroom
In the Livingroom you see that a new sub is learning the ways of beinging submissive.
For he is on his Knees in front of the two Trainee Mistress
You also see he is not use to the traning collar as of yet for he keep pulling at the collar.
Here you see me telling the Trainee to keep him kneeing until he is use to the training collar.
He will stay that way until he quits pulling at the collar.
He is willing to stay here to get use to the collar even if takes all night for he is now in training.
It is his wish to learn to become submissive to me.
The two Mistress in training will keep watch over him until he does.
The only thing I ask of you is to be Respectful of my home while you are visiting.
Or you will be ask to leave.
Thank You
Lady Sinfully

Sinfully &


Castle's Hallway


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Song: "For Your Eyes Only"

Created by: Lady Sinfully