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Christian Salvia

  Another young fresh cute face is on TV now.  Christian Salvia joined the Hot Dice at the same time his friend and teammate PJ Rosi did.  He has been with the team since the beginning and has left his mark.  He is known as the Love Machine, a taunt back at his friend Eric Slopey and the White Pony.  With his hockey experience he has been a great asset to the Nevada Hot Dice team.

  Here are some stats about Christian from the Roller Jam Official Homepage:

Nevada Hot Dice #35


Birthday: March 1, 1981

"I don't like it when I'm not hit hard enough!"

Christian Salvia is a high school student who's made sports fans sit up and take notice. "I've accomplished a lot!" he says. His roller hockey team has traveled the state, taking home an abundance of trophies after winning several tournaments. "I'm the unsung hero. I'm the instrument in hockey because I do the job that no one recognizes."

But Christian will get plenty of recognition in RollerJam. His Razzle-Dazzle moves on the track are a sure crowd-pleaser. "Instead of side-stepping, I spin around people. I can also stop any way on my feet, where a lot of people can't. I learned it from hockey and I brought it here." Hockey also contributes to Christian's quick feet and fast acceleration, which makes him an exciting Jammer to watch on the track. Another thing that hockey gave him was a scar on the back of his head. "I took a puck in the back of my head and had to go to the hospital. I had to get six staples … stitches were just too weak for the cut. I was in so much pain!"

Christian has been skating since he was 10 years old and is also a skilled soccer player. "Ever since I was old enough to know what sports were, I've played soccer."

The high school junior has held another job besides RollerJam. "Me and my teammate P.J., we worked at Steak and Shake for a week." Why only one week? "I was working the night shift during the summer and I just couldn't take it!"

One thing he can take is the fierce competition on the RollerJam track. Be sure to watch for "The Love Machine," a special dance Christian does to please the crowd!

Want to see some more great pictures Christian, Click here!

Click Christian's old hockey team logo to go home.

(Yep, same team of Eric, PJ and Bryan.)