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* Welcome to Teen Poetry & Writings!! *

Here, you can write and submit your own stuff, as well as read and comment on other people's writings. It's been a long time since I've updated anything, I've fallen about six months behind. I've been busy; school, injury and surgery to my knee, and the death of my father. But now I'm back, and plan to stay! I'll be reconstructing the site through the end of June, before my vacation to Venezuela. I won't update it for 2 to 4 weeks into July, I'll be on the beach of Islamargarita, Venezuela... :c)

*Note: If you aren't viewing a separate frame on the left side of the page (with links?)


Sorry for the confusion, but several Search Engines have added the wrong address.. make sure to switch to otherwise, you will not be able to view any of the poetry or writings. Sorry!