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A Test of Time

A Test of Time

A test of time to the happiest of years, Once I saw them and they left, I was finished in their eyes, But little did they know, that I'd be back. Mornings are brighter days are longer, Things go right and still I write, I write of the years that I stood in the night, But little did they know, that I'd be back. The years they made me fear them, The time they shadowed my memories of time, The time they left left me to die, But little did they know, that I'd be back. They sacrificed my soul for their own pleasure, they used me and tore me, I tried to break free but their grasp was firm, But little did they know, that I'd be back. They left me to die and to fear their fears, But for once good won through, That... they did not expect, But little did they know, that I'd be back. I've prevailed, I've won their little game, They've lost, I've won, game over, Now they fear me and my happiness, because Now they know, that I came Back.

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