Old Posts


September 25, 2002- OOOOOO-tay.

Wednesday - 8:07p.m.

  Wow, so much and so little all at once. My birthday was on Sept 22, and i had my party on the 21st. it was a great party, lotsa people came, we all had fun, no one got in any trouble, and Brena surprised us all with her awesome Blueberry Spice Cake.

what else? hmmm. i'm driving my car a bunch, and going to the rock gym alot. sadly, i haven't been running for soccer training, and i know i'll hate myself later. I finished my UF applications, i need to do the "holistic information" part still, and get a teacher recomendation.

oh, yeah, and i'm in a band again.. i think! we're gonan play Bush songs, .. bush is awesome. BYE


September 8, 2002- I feel good, i feel great, i feel wonderful.

Sunday - 1:54p.m.

  (that title is from the movie "what about bob?"

ok, I'm good, oh yeah! let me go brag for a second, shall i?

I GOT A CAR!!! OH MY GOD! It's a '91 Toyota Celica. Shiny, red, 2-door, low to the ground, and the turning/handeling is disgustingly great. i got my driver's liscence, and the picture is really cool (anyone ever wondered what i look like as a hobbit?)

in other news.... I'm training for soccer, i'm swimming, i'm living a very lazy life (lackadaisicle?.. i can't spell) School is easy.. well, aside from chemistry. school starts late enough for me to sleep, and eat in the morning. and ends early enough to hang out with brena, chris, and all them afterwards.

i feel attractive, i feel wanted, and i know that hese things make me feel good. i like how i can step outside of myself and view how i react to myself.i think i am a good judge of other people, and i think i see a problem. i hope that these two people don't.. have problems.. i'm not liking their relationship,.. oh well, it's their lives, not mine.

bye all


August 21, 2002- weeeee...*plop*

Friday - 11:13p.m.

  ok, i think i might be depressed, or maybe just constantly pessimistic, either way. "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times".. i've gotta be leaning towards the right there.. i'm ok, not really BAD, but.. not really happy about stuff. Plus, i shouldn't ACT sad, because then people will wanna hang out with me even less.

at least i'm saying really healthy, right? i didn't go to school today, because of TOK stuff. i was really hoping on getting together with a certain person, but i guess she's practiced piano for the last... oh... what's 10-6? 8 hours? and then its too late to hang out... i shoulda guessed. either she's busy.. or really not interested, which i should be getting used to from girls, since it's been this way for oh.. almost 17 years (i know there were a few exceptions.. that's why it's 17 and not 18 years) ANYWAY, i did run 2 miles, and biked about 4. i can now do 13 pullups (scary?) and i went to the rock gym, which had the bottom occupied by depressing-looking girls who never actually touched a wall.

i dunno what i'm gonna do, maybe write another dumb song to express myself? (13 and counting...scary) mayeb draw a dumb picture in window's paint? i'm listening to classical, and it's keeping me sane. no one seems to be online either. they must have all gone out to do something fun (oh yes.. if i was there, i'd be cool and popular, and everyone would love me too.) i mean, i can't blame them, i'd love to be out partying on a friday night.

i'm gonna go before anyone who's reading this can't take anymore and shoots themself (PS.. my hotornot.com picture's ratings are dropping like the IQ on our president)


August 21, 2002- why not?

Wednesday - 6:52p.m.

  So, i've decided that my arch-enemy is the phone, or at least, new phone calls. in person i'm cool, online cool.. on a phone...I'm so uncomfortable!! like, in person, and online.. silence isn't a bad thing even good sometimes. but on a phone, i hate it. i called.. a girl, and asked her if she wanted to go to a movie this weekend, i think she said okay out of pity, but i hope not. anyway, after that it got awkward. i didn't want to call just for that, i wanted to talk, but i couldn't think of anything, and she wasn't bringing anything up, i mean.. i called her, so it's not her fault, right? to make a now-long story slightly shorter.. i started talking to fill the silence, and had no idea what to say.. i bet i sounded like a retard. wahh!

school is sooo easY!!! why didn't anyoen tell me earlier? i would have been a senior the last 3 years!!!


August 19, 2002- Sooo many things, so little time.

Monday - 10:53p.m.

  ok, soo much has happend since I last poseted, .. .I've been soo damn busy and all. Well, i got back from the trip, which I will write about in the "Stories Of Me Recently" area later.

School is back up again, and I must say that being a senior so far is disgustingly awesome. I mean, school starts later, and ends at the same time.. so that already is nice. I have some hard classes, some easy, and.. luckily, many classes with Brett , which keeps things interesting. or, at least.. might make some hopelessly boring classes funny.

what else? i'm bumming rides to school every day from chris.. (thanks chris!) and i've got a new girl to wish for... if you know who it is...good for you. if not.. to bad.

shwer time! oh yeah!... bye


August 2, 2002- How weird can things get now?

Saturday - 2:16p.m.

  Wow, it's soo late now! It's !:30 almost, and I'm tired as anything. My family and I are going to be leaving at 2 am for our 17 hour drive from hell to go up north. I decided it would be best if I just didn't go to sleep until I got into the car, so I can sleep for 9 hours maybe, and substantially cut into my boredom time. The only drawback is the unavoidable pains in the neck and back from being about 5'11 and sleeping in the backseat of a car with another person back there along with overflow luggage from the trunk. Josh: I can't even say how great it would be if you worked at CIMAR, seriously, people there just aren't very social sometimes. Can you say "disgustingly fast LAN games?" I didn't think so.

This trip is gonna suck kinda, first of all, I don't get back until the day before school, whenever that is. But that means no "going back to school" parties for me. and no getting ready for the first day of my senior year. books? paper? pans and pencils? ... nah! That stuff is for wussies!

Wow this trip could suck alot of "shnit" (thank you hitler with the pineapple.) I'm missing Caeli's b-day party.. sorry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAY CAELI!!! (if you read this). If you aren't her.. send her a link to this site so she can see it.

Wow, no friends, soccer, rock climbing, or tennis for sooo long... I hope I make it. (why do i keep saying 'wow'? must be a tired thing...)



July 27, 2002- Yossi's busy now.. bored later I bet.

Saturday - 2:16p.m.

  Yesterday was amazingly packed, and yet still worked out somehow. went to work like normal, but not much happened there. During the lunch break, me and chris ran down to the theaters and got tickets for Goldmember. For lunch I met Chris and Jing Jing, and had the best food ever, from the Hare Krishnas. After work, I went with chris to see Goldmember, where we met up with a bunch of guys, and I got my Big Sky ticket. gGoldmember was funny, as it should be, and then me and chris got Subways and went to the Rock Gym. after that we went to The Palace for the Big Sky concert, which was pretty kick-ass. At the end of that, i was tired, my legs hurt, and it felt good to go home and crawl into my bed.. with the buzz in my ears.

I'm still recouperating from last night, I'm tired:


July 24, 2002- Crazy Stuff.

Wednesday - 10:48p.m.

  So, I'm finally being helpful at the lab. I figured out that the professer doesn't really need any help, so i've started to help out the students. I made my first "Rapid Prototyping Machine" project: What a fun peice of machine that is... It allows me to take any 3D model I make, and have it actually made out of hard plastic (did someone say a nation of little plastic army-men?). I had to evacuate my lab today because some dumbies on the 1st loor somehow caused a major natural gas leak. 3 firetrucks, a dozen police cars... and the dumb secretaries stood outside and smoked cigarettes while they waited to get back in. (KABOOM!)

I'm Glad that my two bestest buddies are both back from their vacations, and they're both entertaining me as they do so well. The movie K-19 sucked, don't see it unless you are amazed by radiation poisoning. what else? I finally got my senior pictures taken for the yearbook: "I may be a blank spot in classrooms, in your memory, or just overall, but I am not one in the yearbook"(YAY...?) I'm glad i talked to Slater, it seems as if there is a glimmer of hope for me being in a band again. He's got the lyrics and a guitar, I've got the voice and drive, and we're hoping to pick up Josh, and then someone as a drummer.

sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've just been busy. And i think that i'm going to make my "mood-self" a smaller picture(startign next post), just because I can...

Right now I'm tired.. can't you see? sometimes your lovin' hypnotize me...:


July 20, 2002- Satur-night was okay, but coulda been better.

Saturday - 1:24a.m.

  That was fun. Ciara didn't expect a surprise party at all. She loved the present I got her, and I had a pretty good time at the party. Sadly, I realize now that I was really looking foreward to talking to a certain person at the party, but she came late, and left really soon after. I hope that she's feeling ok, and if she reads this, "I hope you feel better soon."

I really need a car, my mom bitches about driving me around, pretty much whenever she can. Plus it sucks having to get places or leave them when you don't want to. My life seems to be dominated with getting a car and finding a girl right now. I promise this is only temporary, and I usually don't obsess about stuff. It's late.. I feel weird.

Right now I feel really out of it:


July 20, 2002- Satur-day is lookin good.

Saturday - 3:37p.m.

  Ok, so the day is going great so far! I drove to Josh's, and we went to play soccer. The best part is that he has a Chrysler Seabring(I think it's called that) for this week since his aunt isn't using it. for those of you who don't know.. it's a convertable! ...Which is the epitome of a fun car. The soccer turnout kinda sucked, it was really hot, and no one brought a soccr ball(what does this say about us?) but we got one from this guy, and were able to play for a bit.

We all went out to eat afterwards, and then on the way home, this tiny chinese lady hit the back of Nosh's car when he was at a red light: not hard or anything, just a tiny bump, so it didn't really do anything to the car.(WHEW!) While I was waiting for my mom to coem get me.. I somehow (i have no idea what the eff i did...) fixed josh's computer.

Party tonight!.. but I can't say for who, because it's a surprise, and if they see this, it would give it away. duh.

I have this new idea to give my mood at the end of every post, with a little picture of it.

I feel ... confident/secure right now:


July 19, 2002- Summer = Fun? Fooled me!

Friday - 1:58p.m.

  Ok, I've got a job now, but it's relly volunteering for now. I'm working at CIMAR, which is the robotics lab at UF. It seems like it will be really cool and fun and all once things get going. Right now I'm just teaching myself how to use the programs, like how to write C++ and how to draft using I-DEAS 8. Once I know this stuff, than I can actualy start being helpful and productive, then I could ask for some money.

I've gotten into making really dumb animations using windows paint and a picture-packer. i know it's a boring and lazy habit, but it passes the time. That is all, Here is my latest story:


July 18, 2002- New layout? I'll try it.

Thursday - 8:46p.m.

   So, I've completly copied this html from my friend Josh, who deserves Credit, even though he says that he didn't make it. I Dunno if this layout is a good idea, but I'm going to try and convert my main site to look like this, or at least make this the main page. Any ideas, comments? go for it. check out Gainesville Rock Gym, it's finger-calousing good!(is that how it's spelled? who cares?) I guess i'll do this more often now. Bye