Yossi's Personal Little Mental Asylum


Hello fellow people with too much time on their hands. Welcome to my little roost in this insanely huge and useless thing known as the internet. The internet should be called AdPornFreeCrap beacuse that is basically what it is made up of. i would hope to not have any of these things related to, or in any way pertaining to me, yet angelfire forces me to have a stupid ad anyway...

Moving on... *whew*

Hi there! My name is Yossi, (actually it's Yosef Zohar Yonah Yehoshua Shuman, but I didn't make it, and I don't go by it... so, so,,, so there!.) I have alot of nick-names, but my favorite currently is SQWERT (like qwerty, but not..)with summer, i socialize alot less, and this makes me sad. i thought that it was supposed to be the other way.. y'know: lotsa friends with all my free time...oh effing well

I live in Gainesville, Florida, and currently attend, and have been attending one of the most ghetto, deprived schools on earth... Eastside Highschool
. You know, the whole: "Eeeeas-siiiiiide!!" ...very ghetto. The whole reason i go there is because of the IB/magnet program to bring all the smart kids from all around the county into the worst school, and raise the average GPA, so the letter grade the school recieves as a whole isn't: "CRAP!". I'm and ingoing 12th grader now.. weee. now we only have a 6 period day.. which sucks, but at least i get to sleep a little longer... I have a bunch of in-school friends, and a select-few (lucky) people that I get to actually hang out with outside of school. I mostly talk to people online, but I'd rather meet then in person, or at least use a phone.

I Have whole junk-loads of free time, and I've taught myself how to juggle, hackysack, throw food way into the air and catch it in my mouth, and many many other completely useless skills. I like tennis, and soccer. and coincedentally, i play tennis and soccer! I think that tennis is my main sport, even though i probably play it less... it's a ranking thing i think, i'm much better then alot of people at tennis, but about even with alot of people in soccer... I played JV soccer the last 2 years, and I'm gonna play Varsity Soccer this year. Tennis? well.. my school's team is supposeively amazing.. so i'll never be on it. My new thing is rockclimbing.. which kicks ass! my arms are exponentially expanding it seems.. so...there. Gainesville Rock Gym!!
I guess that I play chess too, but I used to be alot better then I am now. The problem with chess is the whole: sitting for long in one place, while being so inactive. i don't wanna grow up with my neck in a permenant hunch, and have no muscles.

I have a little sister, (who cares? the guys who see this site, that's who...)

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