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Welcome to Britney World

Details from the Britney concert of June 28th,1999
Britney Pictures
Britney Bio
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Check out my new Mia Hamm tribute page!!!

This site is in memory of one of the greatest technical wrestlers ever, Owen Hart, he unfortunitly passed away on Sunday May 23 at the PPV I was watching called "Over the Edge". Many of you Britney fans that come here don't know that i am a wrestling fan and I am, and this loss has shaken me as well as the world. Owen you were truly, The King of Hearts even before you won King of the Ring. Except this time, enough isn't enough, it wasn't time for a change
RIP Blue Blazer
Credit for this animation goes to
Click to vote for Britney's new video "Sometimes"
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Welcome to Britney World. This site was created by on March 23rd. And i am not Britney Spears nor do i know her.

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