06.03.01 |
Summer Party! |
You all must have thought I was dead or something. I'm surprise that angelfire didn't delete this site yet. I sorry for the long, long wait. I've been very busy at school with all these finals examinations and all. Hey. I'm only 15, what do you expect! You thought I could keep this place in tip-top shape forever. Well it's almost summer freedom for me (only 3 more weeks of boring ol' school). This summer I'm hoping I'll have time to restore this place (it's falling apart!!). I'm gonna do alot of research. I thinking of adding a fanart section, especially since I now have a new scanner and can upload some of my new creations. Well thats all for now. By the way, check out the new Final Fantasy movie (Heard it was gonna be good, but I haven't been up to date with my anime info and news lately so forgive me. Today I'm gonna do alot of catchin' Up!
03.14.01 |
Why The Wait...? |
Sup Everyone. I know I have the ability to read the future and with all my time traveling techniques, you'd thing I would be able to fix this site up and prevent errors and crashes. Well I found out it's harder then I thought. I'm only one guy....I have school, work and sports to compete with. Sorry everyone...I sorry I have failed you another time. I have to much excuses, I know! It's just to hard to update this site 24-7. Mybe by summer I might get around to doing better. I'm also In the process of making a RPG game right now. It's a new thing I picked up while cruisin' the web. It's this easy program called Rpgmaker or Rm2k, you all should try it. The game I'm making is called Last Hope: making of Lengends. It's a great program to use to make little or big RPGs like the ones on Super Nintendo. So if you ever wanted to make your own "Chrono Trigger" or "Zelda" game, you practically could. The main site to get this program is down right now, but I'll leave the like below, but you can find alternate links or sites about it by going to about any search engine and typing "RpgMaker" (one word) or Rm2k.
01.02.01 |
Heres the new affiliate this week. Check it out. I love the layout and the tons and tons of info!! WOW!! If you like DB, DBZ or D-GT, Goku's 4 Tres is the place to go!! Check out the other affiliates as well. I just finised watching 8 hours of DragonBall GT, So sorry if I sound a little excited about Dragon Balls!!!!
01.13.01 |
If you like Vegeta (from DBZ-GT) like I do, this site is a great place to go if you want more of him. Long live VEGETA! (or is it more proper to use the Japanese pronounciation...Bejiita!!)