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Don't fear the Reaper!

Poems written by my talented friends
" The Unknown.... "
A voice of sound or word
Passed on through medium beyond.
Fluttered heart pulls tight
As he tries to respond.
Night's shroud gathers around
That caprious mind
As the souls connect
Leaving the bodily world behind.
The two souls meet at last,
The search, renewed, does't end.
An understanding passes between,
Only the minds eye can comprehend.
Two together can but try
To meet and try to reason why?
Together we seem to be as one
Yet the answers pass us by.

by "Death of a Poet"
The frightening pull attracts,
Beyond the reasoning mind.
Two souls respond
To a subject in kind.
Drawn closer as is justified,
Yet still it goes beyond.
Like the bird takes to the sky,
Like the swan takes to the pond.
The meeting is as if by chance
As meandering down a street.
Two souls happen to collide by fate
Shocked as the two lives meet.
What becomes of the beings that clash
In the strange world above?
Is it an unrevealed secret?
Is it a secret love?

by "Death of a Poet"
I sit here still, eyes open wide
As your picture flickers through my mind.
The first time my soul met with yours
We left the world behind.
For feelings true, feelings met
Should never be left out all alone.
For if that was truely how life is
We'd all have hearts of stone.
Daydreams always come and go
Leaving thoughts, warm and sweet.
These daydreams you see are always of you
And what happens when we meet.
I just want to be with you,
Feel your soft skin next to mine.
Understanding, just holding you tight and near
Until the end of time.
When I am not near you
My heart seems to scream out in pain.
I want to run from that place and find you,
But always have to refrain.
Nothing really matters
Except ehat you think of me.
Yet this poem is all just feelings
And things which I wish to be.

by "Death of a Poet"
Bitter, sweet, life goes on
Leading us day by day.
Theives steal, soldiers fight,
Vicars preach and pray.
Devil's advocate's coming up
Hell on earth he hopes to make.
But we know he's too late by far
Except our souls to take.
Will we live or will we die,
How long will this life drag on by.
Yet when I go, burn me up
And scatter me in the sky.
Free my soul of earthly ties
And let my spirit once again be free
To soar and dive on heavenly plains
With nobody else but me.

by "Death of a Poet"
Looking at your pictured face.
I want you in my place.
I can feel my heart race.
I want to show you my heart.
It's been the same from the start.
And you are the biggest part.
I love you, whoever you are.
God, you're just too far.
I wish I had a car.
I'd drive to you every day.
Somehow I'd find my way.
And hope you'd want me to stay.
I am the fish that you're reeling.
Now I'm on my knee, I'm kneeling.
God, I hope you feel my feelings.

by jay 'sketch' smith
"Luv Ya, Babe" (1998)
I fell asleep one night.
I thought of us together.
I know my feelings are right.
Yet, things could be better.

When last we met I broke inside.
I knew what was wrong and hoped.
When I found out, I felt like I died.
I was even so strong I moaped.

I could never want any more.
I know love is a fatal heart.
You send it to a level four.
I feel robbed from the start.

Being with you, the greatest I know.
Feeling with you, it's oh so good.
Ever think of where we could go?
I want to be, I wish I could.

Sometimes I just don't get it.
I thought it was true.
So confident, I could bet it.
But what's with you?

You fell for my personality.
You fell for my charm.
But what don't you see?
Why do I feel so much harm?

Questions go unanswered tonight.
Answers go wandering in mind.
Being ever closer, d'ya think we might?
I'll wait for the future, love is blind.

Why do I love this abuse?
Over and over again, I think of us.
Silly reasons for an excuse.
On one half, it was more than lust.

by Jay Smith
