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The Yellow Pages

Also known as My Favorite Links
Angelfire -This is the place where I built my home page. The reason for putting a link to it is pretty much self explanatory.

Austin Powers -Need I say More?

Bil -This is my friend Bil's page. He's still doing a lot of construction. However, with my expertise *LoL*, it should be up and running in no time!
Dr. Bob -This takes you to my friend Bob's homepage. Visit the doctor. Tell him Adrianna sent you.
Jay 'Sketch' Smith -This one takes you to my good friend Jay's homepage. He is a comic artist and he also writes poetry. Some of it is in my site. I'll also be putting up some of his art work soon. On my opening page is an example of his art. However, I always have to pick on him about it. I don't have green eyes! He's also into Pro-Wrestling. He has a lot of cool links to wrestling sites.
11:34 -This takes you to the home page of the BEST local band around! They're a bunch of really great guys. *WoooooHooooo*
98 Rock -This takes you to my favorite radio station's website. I've been listening to it since I was 11 yrs. old. Man, I must be deranged. Please don't think badly of me.
Skydive City -Believe it or not, but my little town is famous for it's skydiving. If you ever start thinking about taking the plunge, check out this site.
Windwalker -She is a really cool chat buddy. She's also one of the very few female chat buddies that I have. She's the mom I always wanted. I hope I'm as cool as she is when I'm 401!
