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Welcome to the Gay Men's Multi-ethnic Association. South Florida's only social group for professional gay men from all ethnic backgrounds.We are truly multi-ethnic because, as we all know, Life simply isn't a 'black and white' issue. Don't be thrown by our name, this group is more about bringing people together than it is about ethnicity. We want people to know that it's ok to come and be a part of it all no matter who you are or where you're from. If a part of the 1980s caught you either in high school or college you're within the age range of most of our members and will, more than likely, find our group interesting. So if you live in the south Florida area or plan to move here and you'd like to meet some decent guys please feel welcome to check us out.

We meet once bi-weekly at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center at 1164 E. Oakland Park Blvd.(second floor) in Fort Lauderdale. The group meets for one and a half hours every second and fourth Friday of each month at 7:30p.m. The telephone number for the Gay and Lesbian Community Center is 954-563-9500.

Many of us in G.M.M.A. would rather not spend our nights and weekends trying to meet people in the nightclubs, the bars, through personal ads and in on-line chat rooms; Life is simply too much of a cool thing to waste like that! There was a need for a quality alternative for men who want to meet other local gay men without heavy-duty cruising and sleaze.

To encourage free association and to allow for the expression of ideas that promote friendship, healthy relationships and the spirit of charity among gay men of all ethnic groups.

G.M.M.A. is a social group and NOT a singles group. Couples also attend our meetings and activities. Being gay is NOT about bars and promiscuity, some of us want to meet other professional people like ourselves!

There is an age-old relationship beween bar culture and gay life. Frankly, quite a few of us have liberated ourselves from that mentality. Though strongly entrenched in the minds of some, those old ways of thinking will eventually give way to common sense, better judgement and a more dignified gay community. Then, hetero society will no longer be able to classify gay sexuality as a "ghetto" and we will begin to receive the respect we deserve.

This is an opportunity for gay men to meet, exchange ideas and build friendships. We accomplish this because ours is not a 'Mickey Mouse' club, where the meetings are always boring and begin with people saying things like: "My name is (whatever) and I'm here because ..." Rather, we're really cool guys who get together to talk about interesting things and regularly plan non-bar social activities. There's a whole bunch of us out there who DON'T do the 'scene' at all!

Cultural segregation is probably just as bad as racism. Some of us don't like to talk about this. Though we wish it would, our silence won't make the situation go away. We have to talk about our issues if we are ever going to understand one another and everyone has work to do where those old attitudes are concerned. Cross-cultural relationships are encouraged in GMMA, unlike many organizations with memberships exclusive to specific ethnic groups. We choose not to focus on perceived differences and prefer instead to think about our similarities. It's really a cool thing to meet and have a meaningful exchange without the loud music, smoke and attitude you will always find in a bar. And, in GMMA those stereotype images often seen in the gay media are absent! We're all real people here.

Do you have an open-mind about meeting other men? Well, if you'd like to experience something a little different please feel welcome to drop in on one of our meetings. We have a feeling you'll keep coming back!

Again, thanks for dropping in and do have a nice day!

Please take a moment to sign our guest book.
View GuestBook


Date VenueTimeEvent Description
Friday, December 18, 1998 GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00PMGroup Meeting: Introductions, Mission and events planning
(Official Meet and Greet. Group will discuss objectives and possible social events for the year.
Friday, January 8, 1999GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00Group Meeting: Mutlti Ethnic Crossroads & Q&A.
Guest speaker will be a community leader who will talk about local community issues.
Friday, January 22, 1999GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00PMGroup Meeting: Improving Personal Relationships & Q&A
Guest speaker will be a professional counselor who will talk about how we can use proven methods to improve our personal relationships.
Friday, February 5, 1999GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00PMGroup Meeting: Protecting Yourself from Hate Crimes
Guest speaker will be a law enforcement officer who will talk about reducing the possibility of becoming a victim of a hate crime.
Friday, February 19, 1999GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00PMGroup Meeting: Credit Counseling and Financial Planning
Guest speaker will be a financial analyst who will talk about various ways of dealing with credit issues and financial planning
Friday, March 5, 1999GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00PMGroup Meeting: Grooming Tips & Techniques
Guest speaker will be a grooming guru who will talk about the elements of style and a natural approach to a healthier looking body.
Friday, March 19, 1999GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00PMGroup Meeting: Coming to Terms
Open discussion on coming out and acceptance issues.
Friday, April 9, 1999GLCC Ft. Lauderdale7:30-9:00PMGroup Meeting: Crossroads
Open discussion of local community news and developments

*Because of volume and space considerations the details of non-meeting events that will occur weekly or regularly (i.e. dinners, movie nights, pool tournaments, pizza parties, etc.) will not be included in this schedule. You will receive details about these events at the bi-weekly meetings.

A few cool links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Where to go and what to do in South Florida.
Gay Resources Web Page


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