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My Poems


I will tell you
it is a person with whom you dare to be yourself.
Your soul can be naked with him.
He seems to ask of you to put on nothing,
only to be what you are.
He does not want you to be better or worse.
When you are with him
you feel as a prisoner feels who has been declared innocent.
You do not have to be on your guard.
You can say what you think,
so long as it is genuinely you.
He understands those contradictions
in your nature that leads others to misjudge you.
With him, you breathe freely.
You can avow your little vanities and envies
and hates and vicious sparks,
your meanness and absurdities
and, in opening them up to him,
they are lost,
dissolved on the white ocean of his loyalty.
He understands.
You can weep with him,
sin with him,
laugh with him,
pray with him.
Through it all
and underneath he sees,
knows, and loves you.
A friend?
What is a friend?
Just one, I repeat,
with whom you dare to be yourself.


There's lots of things
With which I'm blessed,
My problems have been few,
But of all, this one's the best
To have a friend like you.
In times of trouble
Friends will say,
"Just ask, I'll help you through it."
But you don't wait for me to ask,
You just get up and do it!
And I can think
of nothing more
That I could wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend,
And have a friend like you.


A lways be honest, would you want THEM to lie to you?
B e there when they need you, or you may wind up alone.
C heer them on, we all need encouragement now and then.
D on't look for their faults, even if you have none.
E ncourage their dreams, what would we be without them?
F orgive them, you just MAY do something wrong sometime.
G et together often, misery loves company, so does glee.
H ave faith in them, the human animal is remarkable.
I nclude them, you may need to be included sometime.
J ust be there when they need you.
K now when they need a hug, and couldn't you use one?
L ove them unconditionally, that is the ONLY condition.
M ake them feel special, because aren't we ALL special?
N ever forget them, who wants to feel forgotten?
O ffer to help, and know when "No thanks" is just politeness.
P raise them honestly and openly.
Q uietly disagree, noisy NO's make enemies.
R eally listen, a friendly ear is a soothing balm.
S ay you're sorry, don't let them assume it.
T alk frequently, communication is important.
U se good judgment.
V erbalize your feelings!
W ish them luck, hopefully good!
X amine your motives before you "help" out.
Y our words count, use them wisely.
Z ip your lips when told a secret.


You're the friend who's been
so good to me,
the one I tell my troubles to,
the one who listens carefully
and always understands...
You're the friend I feel closest to.
There have been so many times when
I gave you all my fears and hurts,
and each time you gave back a heart
filled with love and concern,
a shoulder to rest my worries upon,
and a tranquility found nowhere else
on earth.
You're the friend who means
so much to me,
the one I'm thinking of right now,
the one who feels like family in my heart,
And more than anything else,
I want you to know that I'm here for you,
just as you've always been for me...
Because you're the best friend I have.

I haven't told you very recently,
how much you really mean to me.
I want to wake to a new day less and less,
but when I find you I too find happiness.
You bring joy to every day,
and you do so in every way.
I don't know if you really understand,
how much you give-what a helping hand.
A helping hand not as much in a physical way,
but more like your smile-symbolic of the sun's ray.
Your love is so great and dear,
making me long to have you near.
You just mean too much to me,
I cannot see life without thee.
Every night I thank God for you,
in the mornings and afternoons too!
Your ears will listen to what I have to say,
no matter how boring or what the mood of the day.
You are caring and loving: this I know without a doubt,
that you're someone very special for on your face never is seen a pout.
Yet occasionally I do see,
and you also trust and confide in me.
I just don't think anyone could understand,
how special to me is your loving hand.
No one could ever confide in me,
like you do in your time of need.
When I think of something good and it is with you not,
that it is not what it was supposed to be- a happy thought.
Because it seems like happiness comes from you,
that you are the heart and from you love springs anew.
Of you I never think a bad thought,
even if agreement with others is not.
For when they think poorly of you,
I realize that I would die for you.
For if anything every happened to you, I would never know what to do.
Or if we ever happened to drift in our ways,
I would have to find a meaning to future days.
I just that that recently,
I haven't told you how much you mean to me.


A friend is a treasured being.
Someone who's always there.
A person to share your soul with.
Someone with whom you can share.
True friends to the heart
Are so hard to find,
Because we search to much
For that friendship in our minds.
I can depend on you,
And you can depend on me,
And in my soul
A treasured friend
You always will be.


Friends may come and friends may go,
but the truest ones we'll forever know.
They hold our hand when we cry;
they help us so much when we need to try;
a friend is forever.
Sometimes people don't see
how good that they are,
and how precious they can be.
Few friends I've had in my life,
but somehow I know what's true,
the dearest friend I've ever had
has been YOU!


Friendship is a precious treat
that makes our lives especially sweet.
We've all had people that have hurt our pride,
but something else still resides..
Our trust and faith will never let go,
and that is something that others should know.
Feelings and faith will always abide;
it's just something that
a true friend will ride ..
The pain is worth what we've been through;
but always KNOW this--
You are my friend,


Friend of mine so deep and so dear,
we'll always be close
no matter how much we fear.
You are the treasure
that I searched so hard to find.
You are always in my heart,
and always in my mind.
Keep me close,
and safe within your heart,
cause the friendship that we have

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