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This page is dedicated to my best friend Chucky, Charles, or Chuck whatever you want to call him. Here are some poems i have written to him or about him. He is the bestest bud that a person could ever have. I love him dearly. He has always been there for me. He is the only person that has ever let me be my own self. He has always been my shoulder to cry on. That is why he means so much to me. Chuck you are Best Friend. Thankyou for everything. I Love You!!!!

Why are you doing this to me again?
What did I ever do but love you?
Now your saying your going to try to kill yourself again
I try to tell you not to
you just tell me to shutup
you never listen to me your so stubborn
I told you I would have to die if you did
And you told me to go right ahead
so now here I am about to
And it's al because someone miles away
wouldnt listen to how much
someone loved him

I also have a friend
who I hold close to my heart
he knows me as well as I know myself
sometimes I think he knows me more
he sees the mask I hide behind
when others rarely do
the cracks that run like fault lines
through the "Yes, I'm okay," front
he always sees beyond
into my sorrow-shattered soul
and when it seems that I should
fall apart and crumple soundlessly
he reaches in and pulls me close
he will not take apologies
he comforts me with his kind words
until the tears cease their descent
and tries to replace the pieces
so that I can go on for another day.


Where are the times when I loved
it seems so long ago
I have forgotten exactly how
to reach out my hand and
accept the help I am offered
I cannot see the comfort that
dear friends hold within arms reach
I cannot feel the love
that surrounds me like a warm coccoon
I cannot hear the voices
that tell me that it will get better.
now I wonder if I have what it takes
to open up and love, or even care....
will the next person promise
never to leave also,
then disappear without a trace?
where are the times when I loved