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All Things Are Connected
- or -
What Samwise Has to Say

These excerpts have been edited only for clarity and to delete personal information.

On why he came to us:
~I chose you because you chose me. How many times did you wish for a whale? I chose you because I knew you would gain from the experience. I chose you because, at my earth level, I was frightened and I watched you on the beach with the dogs. I chose you because we all know each other at higher levels, and we agreed to this experience. I chose you because I knew I would gain from the experience. I chose you because I love you.

~I can share with you that you were meant to be with me. I searched for you, I waited for you. Just as you searched and waited for me. Through our experience, we each assisted in the raising of each other's vibrations. We expanded love immensely. My vibration in physical form is, in many ways, much higher than yours. This I chose to give you.

On connecting - with a warning:
~My message is simple but many-sided. We are all One. We are all of The One. We must, on Earth (and so, elsewhere), learn to connect, truly connect, at every level. The oceans are nearing death -- not just the lifeforms in it, but the very water itself. Humans are powerful, and they must turn their power to good before it is too late. We want only to swim, to feel the sun and wind, to love, to learn, to grow, to experience our lives to the fullest. But humans must stop the killing -- directly and indirectly. My message is partly one of warning and of healing.

On the symbolism of whales:
~In earthly form, I symbolize vastness. All whales do. I symbolize greatness, abundance, peace, harmony, fulfillment, contentment, love. I symbolize, I embody, spirituality. I symbolize secretiveness, a fear, a hiding away from. And so you must answer for yourself what that means.

On whales:
~It is not a small or insignificant thing when one of my physical kind chooses to go ashore. We prefer to stay with our loved ones and accomplish our passing in the love and companionship of them. So, when we choose to make the journey to land, we leave behind all we know and all we love.

~I had never been touched by a human, and I found it most interesting and quite pleasurable, despite my physical discomfort.

~Whales and such are the ensouled equivalents of humans. Our chosen portion of Earth is the sea.

~Some of us, over the millennia, have chosen to be sacrifices so that others of us might live.

~We love you, we love humans. We are ready and await you.

~This is not to communicate that we are perfected. This is not so. We are a collective, some of whom have had human experiences. Incarnations occur in an infinite number of forms and places.

On manatees:
~The manatees are choosing even now whether to stay or go. They are among the most peaceful, accepting, and loving lifeforms ever to choose Earth. Ever. They are choosing [these] death[s] as a means of testing themselves -- to determine continued existence on Earth or to die out.

~Manatees are cluster, small group souls. A very few, rarely, are individually ensouled. Mostly they are clusters of three to seventeen souls who come together for many reasons.

~They have such great lessons in acceptance and living in the moment, if humans would only pay attention. And so, they are experimenting now. . . testing. . . discovering. . . gathering information for their ultimate, collective, decision. They are truly wondrous beings. I have great love and admiration for them.

On problems and solutions:
~There is great activity in all the oceans, which are really only one ocean. The earth is in turmoil. We [whales] know this and pass this along to others who live in the ocean. Each being passes it along and in this way, the information gets to all. Many of us have communicated our distress, and Earth's distress, to those who will listen. The difficulty is in getting the information to those who have the power to effect the changes necessary.

~I now know that this task was, and is, too large. We should have been seeking a mass consciousness, rather than the "right" people. This I now know and have communicated such to my own loved ones still in the ocean. It will take time for this knowledge to pass to all beings involved. They will do what they can.

~In the meantime, my friends, you must also join the effort to heal the earth. The ocean dwellers are not those souls who have an affinity for technology. Some have simply evolved past or around the desire for it. In any case, other than god-consciousness, we do not have the ability to stop the destruction. You humans do.

~If the ocean dies, you will follow, though you do not yet understand the real connection. Earth is evolving, but Earth also has choices at hand. Some injuries are beyond even Earth's capacity to heal. Please, my friends, add your consciousness to the healing of the ocean and the healing of the land. . . of Earth. Pray with us. Meditate. Be a part of the critical mass needed to heal Earth. Do this for us all. I send you my love.

~The difficulty between the ocean inhabitants and the land inhabitants is that their chosen life tasks often clash. We do not share the ability to accept new, or young, or middle-aged souls into our chosen manifestation. Since the collective of humans (not at the higher levels, only at the task levels) has agreed to allow new, young, and middle-aged souls to incarnate, this is the point of clash, of what you would call war.

~It is these younger souls who care not for our home, who destroy it with thoughts and deeds and care only for their own needs and desires. It is these younger souls who trample the gifts the earth was created to offer us all . And so we feel anger, and hurt, and confusion.

~The polluting things you send from your home to ours destroys us every day. Some of us are dying so rapidly that the rest of us cannot maintain a level of replacement. Your pollution weakens and destroys our immune systems, which are fragile in relation to your pollutants. Some of us ingest these polluting items in the hope of ridding our home of it. Others ingest them accidentally when they try to carry it to another location. Some of us are successfull in guiding massive amounts of your garbage to the shores of your home, where it came from. It is a tricky thing, to catch the tides just so.

~And so we feel hurt and disappointed. We have waited for you. We have waited a long, long time. Our chosen tasks are intertwined. We are here to assist each other. Only a few of you are ready and prepared. This has to do with the coming changes, when more of you will be forced to evolve.

~One of the tasks humans and whales agreed to assist each other on is the expression of appreciation for physical manifestation. In small ways, this occurred between us when we met. But when we are being decimated by humans' actions, this assistance cannot take place. Many of us are so weakened in our physical forms that we cannot clearly be in tune with the vibrations of our higher selves, and we sometimes go to land and our task is not accomplished. This is because we end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. We misread our higher selves' intentions and the guidance given.

~We ask you now to stop the war. We have never done a wrong to humans. At no time did a whale of any kind harm a human unprovoked or unsolicited. Yes, my loving friend, humans have solicited our harm by attacking us, by taking our children, by invading our homes, by slaughtering us. When we surfaced to make contact, in order to fulfill our shared tasks of assisting each other, we were killed, often by way of torture.

On the universe:
All things, all things are connected.

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Samwise Whale
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