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Amanda- The song: Neaer My God To Thee
Amanda- The Grand Staircase
Barbara- Officer Lowe's Flashligh
Christie- The scene Unable to Stay, UnWilling To Leave
Debbie- The quote - "It doesn't Make Any Sense, that's why I trust it" Laura- Jack's drawing of Rose
Rainbowbright- Rose's music box
Rainbowbright- When Jack sings "Come Josephine" to Rose
Janet- The Heart Of The Ocean
Sarah-The Quote: I'm the King of the world!
Sarah- the Quote: "When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose"
Leora- Jack and Rose's everlasting love
Leora- Jack's Handwriting
Laura- Jack's drawing of rose
Kristen- The quote:" take her to sea mr. murdoek, lets stretch her legs"
Diana- Titanic the ship: sailing
Diana- Titanic: the ship underwater
Kara- The Quote "i'll never let go Jack, I'll never let go" Kara- The Song My Heart Will Go On
Denise- Jack's Spirit
Christine- The Quote "Are you ready to go back to Titanic"
Genevieve- The Quote "He saved me in everyway a woman can be saved"
Emily-The Quote- You Jump I Jump Right?
RoseDWB (no real name was given)- Rose's Party Dress
RoseDWB- Rose's I'll never let go dress
Kris & Jenney- The "Make it Count" note from Jack to Rose
