Transmission Transition Christmas Game

A bit of Christmas fun for you from Transmission Transition: Name that Tune - 24 Christmas Carols Christmas Game. Email your answers by December 26th, and a special prize can be yours! (see below for game rules and info.).
Please note: All Christmas Carols in the game are in my playlist (among others) now playing on Transmission Transition, however there is ONE even I can't recall - working on it! Also note, #3 the tag says "To: Earth", "1 box of :)" if you can't make it out. If there are others that need clarification as to what is drawn, please E-mail me. This is from a sheet I was given when I worked in England, all in good fun and a bit cryptic.

TransmissionTransition radio station is playing all the Christmas Carols this month named in the game (except for the one I need to remember!) - so there are more hints for you if you tune in! The first entry to guess all the carols correctly, will be the winner and the winner to be announced on my radio (live) and here on December 27th.
Print out the Christmas game page if it makes it easier for you.
Tune in to TransmissionTransition for more hints.
E-mail your answers by December 26th. Email to, Subject: Christmas Game, listing the named Christmas Carol to the corresponding number in the grid.
Prize(s): Either one cd of your choice ($15 limit) from Amazon (CDNow) (If you live outside the US and you are the winner, we may use another CD ordering site to send you the CD of your choice). OR if you are a Bowie fan, I have the Slow Burn single and a Bowie poster, if that is the preference!
Winner to be announced December 27th 2002 on air and notified by return Email later in the week.
Any prize(s) to be sent in January 2003.
Answers to be posted by end of December 2002. Check here!
Have fun and Happy Holidays!
NOTE: 12/28/02 - WE HAVE A WINNER! Jessi H. of Illinois was the first person to have all the answers correct. Jessi has selected Lou Reed's New York CD as her prize, which will be sent to her shortly. Thank you all for playing and listening to Transmission Transition! Check in January for an all new playlist.