A Question/Answer Series from RaMOANa
Q. So what's with all the varmints and the varmint based theme on your page now?
A. Well, varmints are earthbound creatures, reduced to the basest of levels, surviving on instinct alone, devoid of emotion, not caring about their surroundings or others, merely adapting to them for survival. They just "be" in the the "to be or not to be" question.
Q. So what does that have to do with Bowie?
A. To me he has evolved into the Queen Varmint.
Q. Ah, a rather a pesky situation then?
A. Well you could say, I call a spade, a spade and a varmint, a varmint - I call 'em like I see 'em. I am not averse to many pesky situations, they don't bother me, but don't like dress up a mole cricket and tell me it's Jiminy Crickett!
Q. But isn't that certainty?
A. No, I just don't want to be sold certainty in the guise of knowledge.
Q. So what are you hanging around for?
A. Waiting for the Man to metamorphasize again.
Q. You are ready for more?
A. I am ready for better.
Q. That is like we are, we are, we are waiting...
A. Is that a question? Did you ever watch when someone said "just watch me now" and nothing happened? Maybe the nothing is what is supposed to happen.
Q. Did you ever feel like you were Bowie's toy?
A. Yeah well he's my mole cricket! and you know what mole crickets are good for - boring.
Q. So if you were bored with it all, did you do your bit?
A. I offered thought. Thought with no communication equals nearly a void, however.
Q. So can you operate within that void?
A. Honey, I didn't inspire it, I'll just play in it.
Q. You will just entertain yourself then?
A. Yeah, why not?