Make your valentine dedications for Valentine's Day!

DJ's Angel and RaM love Valentine's Day so much, we offer you to be part of a special Valentine radio broadcast next Friday the 14th, Valentine's Day, starting at 3 pm EST at TransmissionTransition

You can make dedications to the one you love, request the song and even have your valentine message read out on the air! You don't have to request just to your love interest, it can be for friends as well, be it hokey, lame, fun or mushy!

Make your requests/dedications early so the songs can be arranged for you and especially if they are not Bowie songs! Cutoff time for requests is by Thursday evening the 13th, 3 pm EST (we'll try our best to get any non-Bowie ones or songs we don't already have).

SEND YOUR ON AIR VALENTINE REQUESTS & MESSAGES TO: - or (Subject: Valentine Request). (Or pm us, if you are on BowieNet.) You can also put in your dedication why the song is special for the two of you, and keep it a surprise until they hear it on the radio. Make sure you put who it's TO and FROM and your recipient tunes in! Show your valentine recipient this page, maybe they will send one in for YOU! You want some Valentines, don't you?

Then tune in with your hunny or friends (on BowieNet or not) to hear your on air valentine dedication at 3 pm EST. :) DJ Angel will take the first shift, and then DJ RaM, if there are many (reconnect between the streams).

PLEASE NOTE: To launch the radio after Thursday, February 13th, use or this link, in your browser to tune in. (see radio news) ~ PLEASE try it beforehand, to set up your player.

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