
RaMOANa after meeting Bowie

"He's like wet sauerkraut in my hands, by morning he will be my slave" - Lily Von Schtupp, Blazing Saddles. I aspire to be Lily and sometimes Homey, Cartman, Edith Bunker, Flip Wilson or whatever tortures you.

This is Lily (below) This is me---»
I don't believe in ageism or any intolerant-ism. Passion is cool. Purple in my fave color, if you haven't already guessed. Guess who my fave artist is? Can you tell? It has been quite a journey and helped me through some rough times and I have met fans from all over the world and Bowie band members as a result.

My picture was taken after I met Bowie. My hair is not blue (it's red). The pic was enhanced (by an artist) to depict my flaming feelings in an electric blue kinda way. My website, Width of RaMOANa's Circle and most of Transmission Transition, is an homage to the greatest visionary of our time, David Bowie.

The station name is from Bowie's TVC15 but also --- TransmissionTransition, meaning the transmission will transition you to an alternate space/place and open a plethora of auditory delights for your listening pleasure. I like to entertain my listeners (or is it torture!?) with comedy and my singing at times. And I try to provide music that is rare, fun or my fave or whatever I am in the mood for or what listeners tell me they want. I am live 2 -3 times a week, the other times, DJ Angel (usually MWF) rips the airwaves with her rareties! We do it for FUN and boas. You will find quite a range on my playlist (anything from techno, to hokey!) but as Bowie said at his Berkeley commencement speech - May 8th 1999, "If it itches, play it!"

Name: RaMOANa
Email: ramoana@earthling.net
Station: Transmission Transition
Station Page: Transmission Transition page
Website: Width of RaMOANa's Circle
Location: Florida
Occupation: student of life
Hobbies: Adding to my Bowie collection, chatting, internet radio, photography, sewing, gardening, fishing

When did you first join/find out about Live365?

May 2001 - from a Bowiefan gf (Jazzfyr)of mine. I tuned in and the next day I became a broadcaster.

When did you first get online?

January 1997 - I'm only on my 5th hard drive since then

What was your single best, most earth-shattering, soul-shaking moment?

Meeting David Bowie. It was quite surreal, like I was pushed up there to meet him and then had 5 minutes with him with no one shoving or touching me (a protective bubble!). Other moments were: astral projection experiences, living in England for 5 years I suppose - it was earthshattering and kneewalkin', and any time I go to the beach.

What are the last three CDs/MP3s you have listened to today?

today I haven't listened to any music yet! work work work! It would be something Bowie though - Outside or Earthling, lately.

Are you a musician? If so, what do you play?

I can play the intro to Width of A Circle on guitar - that's it! and I do a mean airguitar, airpiano and other air instruments. I also sing when forced, I mean, asked.