The Linguini Incident
AKA Shag-O-Rama
The Linguini Incident (1992)
Starring: Rosanna Arquette, David Bowie
Director: Richard Shepard
Reel Snapshot: Offbeat comedy about N.Y. waitress who conspires to rob a restaurant. With its appealing, hip cast, this is best appreciated for art-house fans in the mood for style over substance.
Runtime: 98 minutes
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy
 Reel.com's video cover and Evan's January 21 2000 news on Shag-o-rama!
RaM's Review: - Monte (Bowie's character) is a lovable rogue that seems to get himself into trouble with his past gambling problems. He dresses pretty nice and looks handsome as ever. I think the movie is fun and the inside of the bar and the waitress getups are aesthetically pretty cool looking. As for shagging, there isn't any in the film, so how the film was retitled Shag-O-rama is beyond me. The snogging scenes with Roseanna Arquette are NICE, however. There's a few cute scenes with Monte trying to fit into Roseanna's zaniness - I think he falls for her despite his usual, user-self; he starts out wanting to use her for his own purposes and he ends up caring about her (sweet!). The film is 80's looking to me, visually interesting and is just a fun bit of entertainment.
Nirmal's Review: - I thoroughly enjoyed The Linguine Incident! And you know, I watched
it after one of my legendary fights with Mike over Bowie. He had to admit he liked it too. Opposites attract you know. Everything that she was that he wasn't was pulling at his heart strings. Oh, he was outrageous in his own way making bets and trying to make people do what he wanted (sounds like the Bowie we know and love) and she was outrageous anyway, but ditsy, but wouldn't hurt a fly. Good prevailed over evil, and also dragged his heart out into the open.
Fyr's Review: -I tried so hard to like this film. The plot was about 30 minutes behind what was actually happening in the movie. Although I will say the scene with David dragging Rosanna Arquette down the alley in a mail bag is quite funny. This couldv'e been so much more, but lagged ..The actors were wooden in their performances with David outshining the majority of them. My grade? I give this film " gathering dust on the video shelf" status.
Niki from Gloucester, UK Review: -
loved this film! David looked incredibly nice in the silver shirt behind the bar!!!..he played the barman part Very well!
Funny and wierd story line too....yes the kissing scene was nice too i agree with that! Not enough of it !
I reckon you have to be a Bowie fan to watch it though!
Rosanna Arquette and David Bowie made a great team!!
would watch it again!
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