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TransmissionTransition Presents
a Halloween Spooktacular
for October -

WHAT: Thrills and chills await you at RaMOANa's Halloween SPOOKtacular Radio Show

WHEN: Starting October 10th and airing every day through Halloween from 9 p.m. EST to midnight

TRACKLIST: Includes scary tunes from Bowie, Marilyn Manson, Dark Shadows, Misfits, all sorts of scary movie soundtracks, scary comedy bits and more! From hokey to big frights!

HOW TO GET THERE: Go to any evening at 9 pm EST

WHAT TO BRING: Plenty of garlic and silver bullets!

AND REMEMBER - TO GET TO THE CHAT: Live shows are most days during the week and start at 4 pm EST and you can find us in DJ Angel's Chat for requests and more! Regular tuneage to be aired the rest of the time - we don't want to scare you...much!

HOW TO CHAT ON MIRC: - you have to ADD the server: -
Description - AngelsUniverse
IRC Server -
Port - 7000
Once you are connected, ADD or JOIN the only channel on there, called #A12sUniverse

See you there if you dare!

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