Welcome to RaMOANa's Transmission Transition. Here's a shout out to all fans of cool and interesting music - if you want to hear Bowie and more, check out my continuously streaming (and sometimes LIVE!) internet radio broadcast. Join the radio revolution! Check My Radio News below. Check out what is Now Playing or just click on my station banner, and then the speaker on my station page to listen in:-

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Radio News

Transmission Transition - Check out the fun and rock with a difference! Here's the latest news on my radio broadcast: -

11/11/02: TRANSMISSION TRANSITION is proud to present, DJ Mossgarden who will be doing some live shows on TT. For some impromptu live shows, check the station page often. We'll be adding a webpage soon to tell you more about the infamous DJ Mossgarden! Coming Soon: - DJ Mossgarden's Sultry Instrumental Live Broadcast. This just in! -

HOT! DJ Mossgarden on Transmission Transition on Sunday and Monday (11/17 and 11/18) :-

I'll be doing my "all instrumental" broadcast this Sunday & Monday! Sunday @ 5PM EST (in low-q) and again (with a few different tracks to keep it interesting) on Monday @ 9PM EST (in high-q).

Of course, this broadcast will take place on RaMOANa's Internet radio station (I'm a guest DJ on her station). Sunday's broadcast will be in low-q, so even people with slow dialup will be able to tune in. Monday's broadcast will be in high-q, for cable/dsl/high speed users.

Hopefully you can tune in - and I hope that BowieNetters keep submitting their instrumental tunes to me!!!


11/5/02 - Happy Guy Fawkes Night! I'm back and working on a Tribute to Glam and 70's genre as part of Ziggy's 30th anniversary! There are some songs already on my regular broadcast, so if you think TT sounds different with more "oldies" these days, you'd be right! More oldies than ever really. Send in your requests if you would like to hear something I haven't played - E-mail Ya think some of those early songs sound "bubblegum"? they do to me! New tagboard on my main page - leave me a message there if you like. Check for announcements there, I'll be phasing out the newspage and using the tagboard instead methinks.

10/2/02 - Check out this charity auction that has some music related items, including a Bowie signed cd, 1. Outside - X Appeal. My Find of the month: - Marizane, now featured in my playlist.

9/23/02 - switching around my playlist a bit, I'm finding I'm liking the LG73 funkadelia (you can see his link from my station page and on my Radio Stars. I am also looking into airing the Rock20 Countdown by Adam McLaren, a syndicated program. I did air it once over the weekend and will consider airing this weekly at a regularly scheduled time. Check out a few new trax I have on my playlist, and new to TT: - BOWIE: funtime, planet of dreams, safe....Kristeen Young's saviour is still on there - I'll be mixing her trax from Breasticles around shortly, as well as some trax from Ziggy Stardust The Motion Picture (still commemorating Ziggy's 30th anniversary). A fave listener asked for some ambient/techno, so I have added a few of those. Omikron The Nomad Soul (PC game) trax still a fave with another listener. I even threw in Uncle Floyd! followed by Bowie's Slip Away, which is about Uncle Floyd. A couple comedy trax thrown in to see if you are awake as well! Yes you can get it all at TT. You'll have to tune in to my Live show on Friday's to hear more whackiness, ie. - Everyone Gets High - parody of Everyone Says Hi, provided by the infamous Frida on BlowieNet. My Bowie news page is SERIOUSLY lacking and in need of updating - dudes, join Bowienet, even they can't keep up! Here is my latest on Bowieness in any event - RaM's Summer of Bowie - oh yeah I saw him 5 times this summer and I'm still catching up!

9/10/02 - I've put up some tracks in my playlist that, to me, commemorate the tragedy of 9/11, hopefully to give you some inspiration and comfort. Tracks from: The Concert for NYC, David Bowie's Heathen (also relevant to me, although written before 9/11), Moby's 18 (written after 9/11), and some oldies that help me, hopefully you - True Colors, Cyndi Lauper, as well as a couple of her newer work, Waiting For A Friend, The Stones, and others. For those looking further, I recommend catching Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero on PBS - check the main site for local listings of this Frontline program (it airs again 9/11 at 8 p.m. on mine). My find of the month is: Kristeen Young - an artist who duets with Bowie on her newest release, Breasticles.

8/30/02 - I'm now doing regular live shows on Fridays at 3 p.m. EST. My playlist is various genres - everything from reggae to techno! If something on there gets you hopping or hopping mad, email me. I will continue to play artists that deserve more airplay.

8/16/02 - What does Bowie listen to? On recent interviews this summer, Bowie has mentioned that obscure, non-mainstream music needs to stay alive or bands such as Grandaddy, Mercury Rev, The Flaming Lips, Fischerspooner, Mouse on Mars, Goldfrapp, Richard Strauss, Scott Walker and others, will disappear! Much like The Pixies did! And where can you find music such as this? Well at Transmission Transition of course! I bring you the obscure AND the sounds that satisfy my eclectic taste. It's also been said that Bowie listens to what we all will be listening to in 5 years. Do you disagree? Get on Transmission Transition and find out what's cool! And remember, if you want something added or you just can't stand something on my playlist, E-mail me!, I'm here to please.

6/6/02 - You LUCKY listeners, now get to hear some Heathen - David Bowie's latest. I've added some Peter Murphy and latest Pet Shop Boys as well. Like what you hear? Don't forget to rate me when you're listening. I had a fun and funky live broadcast last week, we were gettin' down! I may have to repeat that one! haa - totally not my usual genre, but it was fun.

5/17/02 - You know, most everything on my looped broadcast is Bowie- related, with other trax thrown in for fun! Moby and Bowie are doing Area2 this year and I just got Moby's new CD, 18. Dandy Warhols will be playing with Bowie at Meltdown in London (yeah I'm going to see that too! see News). Steve Strange from Visage is also on my playlist, who's biggest claim to fame might be his appearance on Bowie's Ashes to Ashes video (there's a story there, wanna hear it?). Fanny, an all girl group are also on my playlist - Bowie himself has asked a few times to find some of their stuff - took some digging but thanks to Earl Slick. Fanny was the first all female band to ever sign with a major label (70's), ain't that peculiar? I threw in some Ozzy because he's just too funny on MTV. Alot of trax on my playlist are there because Bowie has expressed interest in these groups. Air, for instance is on Bowie's new album Heathen, as well and Neu! is a German band he is into. No Doubt will be performing as well as Bowie in Belgium this year (Seat Beach Rock Festival - yes I will be there too!). See my Bowie News for more on Bowie's new album, Heathen and tour info.

5/16/02: - Check out these indies, also featured on my playlist:
  • Neptune - awesome talent.
  • sanduleak
  • Jeff Saphin.
  • ramble - one of my listeners has made some rather talented remixes, including a Bowie one.

    In Other Broadcaster News: -
  • LG73 Vancouver's Best! you have to hear his live shows, radio broadcasting at it's finest! Sudden Soul rocks! LG73
  • Caleet from Live X Radio does a new taped livecast every month. Check out his June 1st show, as I am interviewed on it and Chippy rides again! - Live X Radio.
  • Orbie, my talented, rockin' bro still does an entertaining and fun live show on Friday's, now changed to an hour. Kick off your Friday right and check it out: - Orbie's Streamin' Screamin' Radio

    1/7/02: I now have my Radio Profile on an E-Group at Yahoo - LiveLine - you can meet other broadcasters from Live365 there too.

    1/1/02: I am now a member of another Live365 Webring.
    Don't forget to check out the Radio Stars for some of my fave broadcasters.

    Got a request, hate something on my playlist? Want a particular Bowie song added? Want to be notified when I go LIVE? E-mail me!

    Join in the fun and get on Live365. You can now search for particular songs and artists! Check out the fun and their chat in Community.

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