Bored with BowieNetChat? Want to use all those wavs and popups you have without fear of reprisals? Come play on EFNet in Starluck's new chatroom, #cosmicjive! Ask the resident bot, KromeDome, your most pressing questions!
In MIRC, on the setup window, hit the ADD button to add EFNet as a chat server and put in "EFNet" as the Description.
Use irc.idle.net as the chat server (or irc.home.com if you have a cable connection or irc.arpa.com, irc.prison.net). Use port 6667 and no password.
Don't use your BNet email on the setup tab....some of them default to BNet then and you can't log on to this EFNet server. You can use something else as your full name if you like and also be in invisible mode.
Once you are connected to this chatserver, you have to add the channel #cosmicjive to get in to the room - add it and then click on it to join or type:
/join #cosmicjive once you are on the server. You will know if you got to the right place because there are a couple of BOTS in there! (for play!) and created by Verteiron.
Come join the fun! The resident BOT there answers your YES and NO questions! So far he's told us that Bowie sucks but doesn't swallow! LOL
Warning: Please note that EFNet has no requirement for registering nicknames, therefore the other list of rooms has many people in them that can be well hidden and will, if they take a notion to, "smurf" you! Which will bugger up your ISP stuff. Don't let anyone ban you or it could be dodgy getting back on there. Also, you may find that someone else has your nickname, as you cannot register it. I would suggest fighting for it if you want that nickname....heh but I don't know how to do that yet!
Most importantly - HAVE FUN! The room isn't monitored or censored as far as content, so you may find some risque language or topic! |