What is the antithesis of Bowie and "Bowieness"?
The Anti-Bowie Page

You know, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly? - this is the Ugly bit and I call it the Anti-Bowie page because this type of negativity and destructiveness will never have anything to do with Bowie. These are totally opposite concepts of what Bowie is all about.

I don't know about you, but I've experienced quite a few frustrating moments even with a few Bowie fans. Some have proven to be quite negative types in their manipulation games - I find that is a drain on creativity and even Bowie stays away from this bollox - it's destructive, not constructive and a waste of time and energy.

I know they don't get it and probably never will - it's frustrating but I normally try to find a redeeming quality in anyone, however predictability is never a good sign to me. In these cases, it's best to just walk away.

Here are a few indicators, warning signs to determine whether a "fan" is really a fan.
You know someone is Bowie-clueless when -

  • 1) They must put others down in order to boost themselves. Low self-esteem causes a few to use this tactic. Obviously they are taking out their own failures and character flaws on others. This is a classic indicator of a weak person that only has abuse to offer you.

  • 2) They try to form a gang mentality, draw enemy lines or get off on arguing, attacking and upsetting fellow fans and/or shit-stirring. It is entertaining for them to see that you get upset. Don't fall for it. It's one thing to have opposing views, but I feel they have never learned the basics of respect for others. I surmise they are small-minded, intolerant types that have never learned that the world is wide and varied and not everyone will agree on the same issues. - RECOGNIZE that and respect other's differences! Recommendation to the aforementioned - GET A LIFE and don't piss in my or anyone's cornflakes! It's okay to have differences for heavens sake, that's a given, it's the WAY in which you get your point across that matters and no one will listen to it if only a personal attack is offered.

  • 3) They must have someone on their shitlist, it doesn't matter who. And they must draw others into the game of attacking and/or making fun of the person so designated on the shitlist. They think it is cute - it's pathetic and cruel.

  • 4) If you dare to ask them a question on one of their judgements or notions, they will attack you for not kissing their ass and blindly accepting their crap. It seems unthinking sheep types enjoy following them (on a path to nowhere) - it's easier than THINKING for themselves, apparently.

    4a - if you don't kiss their ass and follow them blindly or simply question them on their antics, they will attack - this is the most boring and predictable tactic of all.

  • 5) It's pointless to even try buying them a clue on ebay. You are wasting your breath even trying to explain anything to them or the sheep...they are thickheaded and won't get it. - there's a certainty for you, with no knowledge in sight. Basically if you do question or challenge them on any of their tactics, they will try to play the victim, seeking more approval from unsuspecting fellow fans.

    5a - What is sad is to see the sheep mentality of others joining in the reindeer games. To those people - before you make up your mind about someone, how about giving the benefit of a doubt and finding out for yourself? Ask the person involved before you blindly accept what someone else has told you. It's called a "free thinker" and I believe Bowie is more about that then prejudging others.

  • 6) You see the same pattern of abusing others over a period of years - you would think they would grow the fuck up but sadly, you see the same shit but different underwear. The standard warning sign of this is when the abused person gets upset about it, they are told by these game-players "only joking" "you take it too seriously" - please remind yourself who is laughing here and you will see the truth. They are laughing at who they upset, their "humour" will be at the other person's expense every time.

  • 7) The pot calling the kettle black! It's ironic but what they accuse others of they are more guilty of in more instances than the person they are attacking! This is hypocrisy, and they can't see it, any attempt to explain it is futile and will result in more mindless abuse.

  • 8) You are not allowed to voice your opinion or disapproval but must suffer the diatribe of their attacks. You won't be heard and anything you do say will be certain to be misconstrued and twisted into more of their bollox.

    8a - They will even go so far as posting up part of private chats and emails on messageboards, skewed in their favour, in order to try to win others on their "side". If you blindly believe everything they post, you are really doing yourself a disservice!

    What to do about the aforementioned - My theory is, when they have pissed off enough people and degenerated the level of messageboards and chats to all accusations and acrimony, most will leave and they only have themselves left to argue with - let them. Who will chat/play with them when they have run out of victims? - they will either a) implode b) pollute the next site and attempt to bring it to the same negativity and ruin - either way they will find any form of destructiveness as entertainment. And either way it's too bloody predictable and boring. This is now the 3rd time I have seen this happen, now it has happened on BNet.

    Conclusion: the best thing to do is go on your merry way and don't occupy the same air/cyber-space - you play with shit, you will get shit on you!

    In my case, I told the person of such niceties explained above to "remind me not to share anything with you" over 4 years ago, after they had attacked me for ASKING about a picture of mine they used on their website, with no permission mind you or even mentioned to me or credit given. And I haven't shared anything with that person ever since - not my life, my humour, or even my disapproval of their tactics - that wasn't good enough. I wasn't even allowed to stay away from such nonsense without repercussions.

    SO to the guilty parties of what is previously described, and you know who you are, you are hereby awarded the Brit No Fouling sign, and I suggest you have this emblem tattoo-ed on your forehead or your ass since you like to show it so much -

    and you are particularly directed to some Bowie songs that might give you a clue: - It's No Game
    Goodbye Mr. Ed
    Scary Monsters
    , but we ain't running scared
    and honorable mention from Fashion
    - It's big and it's bland full of tension and fear
    - It's loud and tasteless and I've heard it before
    Oh bop

    For those caught in the crossfire of such nonsense, if you have similar issues or points you want to add to the above, please email!

    "Let the man (and the rest of us!) create, for Gods sake!" ~ me

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