CLICK HERE to go to the relevant section:
I'm Not Famous, But My Birthday Card to Mike Garson Is!
Mike received several birthday greetings...all of which he really enjoyed. Thanks
to all who sent well-wishes. One greeting (from Ramoana) made a particularly
striking impression.
The Moaner is THRILLED and received some kindly recognition on Mike Garson's site, check it out: -
(Also go there to read the Stigmata press release! Too cool! and there's bits about what the movie is about. I can't wait to see this movie now and get the soundtrack.):-
Also regarding the creative Mike Garson, here is a photo I received from him! Too sweet!: -
Another Link to Bowie
If you don't have BowieNet but want to hear the 3 clips from Thursday's Child, which BowieNet members are voting on, check out the following RealAudio clips of the 3 tracks: -
Mick Rock Rocks!
Received the following info in an email and if you haven't seen the awesome Mick Rock Bowie pics yet, go to the site about his upcoming exhibition. There is also some really neat write ups on there by Mick on his Bowie connection: -
Nobody I knew was familiar with him or his music. By chance I heard a cast-off promotional copy of Hunky- Dory! From the first it excited me like few records ever had, and then there was the face on the cover ... - Mick Rock (to read more, go to the Bowie photo section on the following link): -
Exhibition of Glam Rock photographs
This is to inform you that there will be an exhibition of original
photographs by celebrated Glam Rock photographer Mick Rock at Great Modern
Pictures, New York, September 16 - November 7, 1999.
Included will be icon images of David Bowie, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Queen and
For details please visit
If you have any questions feel free to contact us.
Great Modern Pictures, NYC
I want! I want! - to go and also buy some of these photos!
Update: Mike Garson's site has such good info (press release and details of the upcoming movie, Stigmata to be released September 5th) that I will mention this link again and please note that you can now pre-order the Stigmata soundtrack through the Now Music Network site: -
Gisborne 2000 Press Release - To Gizzy or Not To Gizzy?
One of my illustrious sources sent me the following press release regarding the rumours surrounding Gisborne 2000 and whether the festivities will be in Auckland instead. Looks like nothing definite yet is determined! -
UPDATE: BOWIE'S PRODUCTION COMPANY CANCELS GISBORNE. Here is the press release fresh from BowieNet (8 pm, August 9th 1999): -
Representatives of the creative and technical producers and principal performers engaged by Year 2000 Festival Company Ltd and Year 2000 Festival Entertainment Company Ltd, respectively, are announcing the intention of all concerned to withdraw from further preparations for the Gisborne 2000 "First Light" Festival scheduled for New Year's Eve.
Management representing Split Enz and David Bowie, who are scheduled to appear with Dame Kiri Te Kanewa and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra at the December 31 - January 1 concert, cite their conviction that the Promoters do not have the ability or financing to complete the necessary infrastructure, production and marketing arrangements required for a safe and successful Festival. It is a great disappointment to the Artists that Year 2000 Festival Entertainment Company Ltd. cannot meet its obligations. All concerned have postponed this decision to the last possible moment, in the hopes that the Promoters would be able to solve their internal problems. Unfortunately, they have not.
The Executive Producer, Project Director and management personnel who were hired by The Year 2000 Festival Company cited the Promoters' continuing failure to make necessary commitments to key production personnel, equipment providers, and creative and marketing specialists, as well as failure to make timely deposits on equipment and services previously ordered, despite repeated urgent requests to do so. This failure makes it impossible to complete the infrastructure and production arrangements necessary to mount the Festival.
Executive Producer Charles Gayton reiterated his own personal commitment to Mayor Clark and the City of Gisborne to support the effort to create a Millennium celebration.
Sorry to all me mates that had tickets to Gisborne! I am still of the opinion, however, that Bowie will perform somewhere else for Y2K celebration (he wrote new songs for it, I had heard!) - I am betting he will want to perform somewhere!
StoryTellers Ticket Drawing
Ron Roy of Ultrastar came into BowieNetChat today (8/9) and announced there would be a drawing of 50 tickets for BowieNet members that can come to the 8-23-99 VH1 Bowie on StoryTellers taping in New York. There are stipulations and he will have a form up on BowieNet tomorrow regarding entering the drawing: -
The above are mainly rules set by VH1 and not Ultrastar and more details will be on the Entry Form on BowieNet tomorrow, August 10th. The names of the 50 winners of the drawing will be posted by 6 p.m. EST on Friday, August 13th, on BowieNet and Ron said they would also come into BowieNetChat and announce the winners. Ron will be the lucky person to draw the names. Good luck all! I hope lots of BowieNet members I know attend! :)
UPDATE: The StoryTellers ticket winners have been announced and are listed on BowieNet - Congratulations to: Helen2, GayJames, Gilly, A-Girl, Adynmoose, LaughingGnome, Mark, Lambugi, lori and others I know from chat! I hope all who won will be able to attend! Get your bags packed, you have 7 days!
UPDATE: 10 more StoryTellers tickets were drawn tonight in BNetChat, 8/16/99. CONGRATS to: derek, mask and spaceface, among others! There will be a drawing tomorrow night from those tickets whose winners cannot attend.
Unconfirmed David Bowie Concert Announced
A BowieNet member (Bianca) came into the BowieNetChat room today and said there was an article in a British newspaper today (8/13/99) that announced that Bowie would perform in London, Wembley Stadium for Net Aid (a part of Live Aid?) and that tickets are to go on sale on August 24th. There is no report as to whether this concert is for New Years Eve or when. I will report more details as I find them out!
Okay here is a bit more info. on the Bowie concert, please note I myself have not seen this in print yet so I am not 100% sure on any accuracy: -
The news on the concert was on "Sun" and British TV text today. The concert will be done on 9th of October and there will be concerts at three different locations: London, Zürich and New York, so similar to the Live Aid thing in 85! So Bowie will play at one of this cities. Tickets are going to sell on 24th of August for the price of 35 English pounds!
If anyone can confirm this news article from The Sun, please let me know! I found a couple of articles about Net Aid online but no Bowie mention: - Big Mouth - which seems to be the most current article, dated 8/13/99.
Bowie WonderWorld Contest
Paul Kinder has a fab contest going on, answer his question by August 31st and you have a chance to win the Bowie/Placebo EP, Without You I'm Nothing: -
Consolation Prizes
In an effort to cheer myself up from all the StoryTellers ticket winners good fortune, I decided to put together a timeline of what is coming up to make it easier to keep track of the new releases, etc. To add salt to the wound, I hear that the ticket winners will also get their pictures taken with David Bowie AND get his autograph - *sigh* - anyway here are some upcoming Bowie events to console ourselves with: -
An amused Moaner received her Iman lipstick in the post a couple of days ago - I was well chuffed the envelope and the letter signed by Iman was addressed to "RaMOANa"! - Thanks dahlink! it's fab and I look mahhhhhvelous in it! ;)
Bowie To Perform At Net Aid
As I previously reported on August 13th, it has now been confirmed that Bowie is to perform at Net Aid 9th October 1999. Thanks to Coldfyr for pointing me to the sonicnet article announcement: -
Glam-rock icon David Bowie and soul-pop band Texas have been added to the lineup of the massive Oct. 9 NetAid benefit concerts, organizer Jeff Pollack said Friday (Aug. 20).
The concerts will take place simultaneously at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., Wembley Stadium in London and the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
Proceeds from the concerts mainly will benefit refugees in Africa and Kosovo, but organizers said the primary goal of NetAid is not to raise money, but to raise awareness of global poverty, primarily through the Web.
Update NetAid Tickets Go On Sale: -
It's official! (coz I saw it on TeenageWildlife! heh) - Bowie to perform at Wembley Stadium (as I said all along!) for NetAid. Go read Evan's news details on tickets: -
StoryTellers Setlist Up on TeenageWildlife
Before any of the ticket winners could report in BowieNetChat , Evan was on top of things AGAIN and put up the setlist for tonight's session of the StoryTellers taping. He presumes the encore tracks were only performed for the audience and not taped by VH1. Read all about it: -
FAME: Another BowieNetter Gets More Reknown!
Our own Kaliman (Mark Falzini), who got around quite famously during the Earthling tour in '97, is now going to be even more recognizable when he debuts on The History Channel next month, covering his forte', Charles Lindbergh: -
Saturday, September 4 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
History's Lost & Found
Program #106.
Join us on an historical scavenger hunt as we search down artifacts
from around the world. Some of the objects on our list include: the
Saigon Staircase from which evacuees stepped to safety aboard the largest-known
helicopter evacuation; Grover Cleveland's Tumor; and the Lindbergh Baby's Kidnap
Letter, among others. (cc)
You can sneak a peak at who Kaliman is by visiting my Fan Encounter pages: -