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Riyati, Monkey Clan Historian, has provided us the Third Unofficial Official Monkey Clan letter! Check it out...


Kyuden Saru has come under new management! I'd like to introduce myself. I am Demiko, the new Monkey Clan Webmaster, and tactician extraordinaire. I will be making some changes to the place over the next few weeks, so drop me a line if you're interested in contributing. You can contact me here. I hope you like the changes I make. They'll be subtle, so don't expect full renovations.


Konichi wa, fellow monkeys! We have a new babe of the week now and will have a new babe again every week, at least until we run out of em again!;) The colors have been switched back and still looking into getting some monkey clan polls up for the one-list gang. That is all for now.


BOOOOOO!!! Happy Halloween! To all of you within the Monkey Clan! We hope all of you have a good time on all hallows eve! We have spiffed the site up for the holiday and have a special guest star in the babe of the month area. Starting next month we go back to being weekly on the babe page.:) We also mourn the passing of Kakita Yoshi and direct you to Shosuro Mashita's Stage of Shadow to witness the Man of the Week page! Forgot to put the it is:

Shosuro Mashita's The Stage of Shadow
Till then hope you all are still happy with the site. I will also be looking into what we can do on the onelist and maybe putting some polls online and such next month! Now get out there and scare someone!!! - Bayushi Koda


Hello, once again! Our historian Riyati has blessed our clan with our second letter, and many many thanks go out to him, Riyati aka Marshall Lamm. Once again, domo arrigato, Marshall. We have taken the Babe of Rokugan back to the weekly format also, and the new Babe is up on the list. Hope you all have liked the new look of our city here, and we hope you have voted for this site for the Official Home of the Monkey Clan.

There will also be a LARP for L5R at Cerebral Hobbies in Chapel Hill, NC. You might want to e-mail Marshall to find out all the details, his e-mail is . This event will take place Nov,13. We hope many Monkey Clan members can make it there.


Hello, brothers and sisters! Just wanted to let you all know that if you want this site to be our official home for the time being please e-mail Ed Bolme at He is taking votes. I hope you all liked the new look, I didn't receive any comments so we are hoping all is good. That is all for now.


Hello again, Monkey Clan Members! We have changed the site about a little. Most of the pages remain the same for now, but our main page has changed quite a bit. The Babe of Rokugan is now updated so go and check out who our newest beauty is in Rokugan. Sorry about all the delays and all. Life just gets to you and then you hit the sake pretty hard, kill some Naga... You know how it is, eh, Samurai? Tune into this page regularly for updates.

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