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Foto Comp.Mariquilla

PROGRAMME TITLE: "El Sacromonte y yo" ("The Sacromonte and I")


SINGERS: Heredia, Manuel and Gómez, Rafaela

GUITARRISTS: González, Antonio and "Habichuela", Rafael

Foto Mariquilla 2

Foto Mariquilla 1

FLAUTE: Heredia, Eloy

VIOLIN: Muñoz, Julio

PERCUSSION: Cañizares, J.M.


FIRST MALE DANCER: Maya, Juan Andrés

MEMBERS OF THE BALLET: Garrido, Lucía; Quesada, Kika; Valle, Lidia; Esquivel, Eva; García, Fátima; Osuna, Yolanda; Raya, Ruth; Galdón, Rocío

COSTUMES: "El Salao" and Flamenco Fashion "Pilar"

SCENERY: Calvo, Francisco




MARIQUILLA, dancer and coreographer, with this work of hers, wants to make her own contribution to the recovery and spread of this art from the "Sacromonte" (The Sacred Mountain) of Granada, Southern Spain. She knows in depth, as it can be appreciated from her biography, the art of Flamenco; she has been alternating since she was just a six-year-old child the dance in the cave of "La Pitirila" with the learning of the alphabet which she, as the rest of the children from the "Sacromonte", used to sing rythmically in order to learn it by heart. All this took place at the School "Ave María", just a few steps from the way to the "Sacromonte". She was so near that she could hear and feel "the call to the dance". And, since first things first, she had to change her baby bib for the costume dress and join the party.

That MARIQUILLA, tiny woman but full of strength and life has inherited the long tradition of dancers of the "Camino del Sacromonte" ("Way of the Sacromonte"). She would soon become a pioneer in this world of Flamenco dance, carrying along with her this art, learnt among the lime and copper pans from the caves of the "Sacromonte".

With this piece of art, which has been performed in almost all the main cities of the world, she meets with her roots in a cosy way; she wants to offer to the audience the vision of the "Sacromonte" she lived in, and she does it with a new generation of dancers from Granada who have learnt to feel the art of the "Sacromonte". With this work, MARIQUILLA, fulfills a double task: that of recovery and spread of the gypsy singing and dancing of her land, what she was forced to, as artist and as citizen of Granada.

Original from Delgado-Olmos, José.

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