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The Regiments in the French Foreign Legion    

1.RE  (1er Regiment Etranger)

4.RE  (4eme Regiment Etranger)

1.REC (1er Regiment Etranger de Cavalerie)

2.REI (2eme Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie)

6.REG (6eme Regiment Etranger de Genie)

2.REP (2eme Regiment Etrangere de Parachutistes)

3.REI (3eme Regiment Etranger d'Infanterie)

5.RE (5eme Regiment Etranger)

13.DBLE (Demi Brigade de Legion Etrangere)

DLEM (Detachement de Legion Etrangere de Mayotte)


The information i found on this site i've got from books, only the insignias i got from Internet, there was a description of them, but they could be wrong, if there is someone who can have the missing insignia or knows that the insignais placed by the wrong regemint please let them tell me. Send me a e-mail. Tanx

Send an e-mail to Marc Witteveen