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Welcome to my French Foreign Legion site

On this site you will find the latest information about the last mercheneries from europe. I hope you will find every thing you are searching for on this site. Because of the limited web space I will not be able to put all the info i've got on my homepage, but i will circulate it. so visit this place now and then, and you will see, that information on this webspace is changing. For now I wish you good luck and 'Voir la vie autrement'  

I am verry sorry, for the porn pictures on my homepage. Someone has hacked my homepage and put them on. Hope you will still come here and don't forget to sign my geustbook. Tanx.

Marc Witteveen

Whats new on my homepage

The Shop, get free stuff from the legion, and an article about the FFL, taken from a Dutch newspaper, it was an old one, but hey here it is. (Sorry for the bad english). Some jokes about the Foreign Legion. Memorial site - for those who lost someone in the legion.

View my guestbook

Sign my guestbook


I will update this site recently, until I am going to the legion.

The music you hear is called Le Boudin. You can download this from the music section. See the link to the left.

If you have any information i would like to get an e-mail from you. Also if you are going to the legion, please send me a e-mail to.

Stay in touch soldier!

Send an e-mail to Marc Witteveen

My French Foreign Legion Webring
Email the
ring member:

Marc Witteveen