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My Adopted Friends

This baby fairy was the first friend I ever adopted. His name is Joshua. Samantha watches over him. When Joshua is cranky, Samantha plays her harp for him. And when he won't go to sleep, she sometimes has to use her .

Here is his cradle . His name hangs over his cradle.

And he sleeps with his favorite teddy bear .
When he looks out of his window at night, he sees the stars and he sees the sunshine every day .

He lives in a beautiful castle with his favorite pets. Tiger is a fairy cat. Belle lives in a lovely .

This is my baby mouse Kelsey . Here are some of her things: ba ba and Let's go bye bye and Waaa. Please click on her to visit her wonderful mouse house.

I even adopted a small farm!. Here are the animals that live on my farm: Bessie, Quacky, Wilbur, Ronnie, and Baaarbara.

You can adopt your own angel like Darla at .

Meet my new baby, Emily . She needs her , , and

My dragon Scorch


000Click Morris to adopt a pet of your very own from The Animation Groove!000000000000Adopt your own firefly or glow worm...000000000

This is Charles
and his cave
Get your own baby dragon!
