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Additional Information About the Script's Author

for my pal INTERLUDE!

Welcome!! My name is Jake and I hope you have some fun here!!

for some music while you visit here!

And Always

I live in Jackonville,Fla and enjoy writing poetry and making friends.
I still find it amazing that because of this little machine that we spend hours upon hours in front of allows us to make friends around the world.
They say the world has shrunk but isn't it odd how much further it has shrunk with the advent of chat?

My philosophy on life is simple. Treat each other with kindness and respect and do not intentionaly hurt each other. If we live our lives that way we can all benefit

So think before you end up like this..*S*

The beauty of life is it's surprises and colorful ways of letting us know not to take ourselves too seriously.

The message is this. We are one world and one with each other. When even one of us is treated badly by another we all lose,get it?

some friends of mine...*SMILE*

Please be good to each other until we meet again

just for fun!! here....and here


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Some links to some friends and other cool stuff

Wicked Wanda's page...Don't let the name fool ya...she is a real lady but with a wicked sense of humor..*L*
Gal's page...great stuff here
Monti and Splinters page...a MUST see
Great HTML help...has Java tips also
The Dragon's page...this guy is 7' tall..if you don't like his page YOU tell him....*L*
Patryn's page...go here and play the light game..*L*
500 postcard sites
BabyGirl's page...My Sis
THE WIZ and BabyGirl's bro. and sis
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