Christoph Geißler's Homepage
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Christoph Geißler's Homepage

Hey - I didn't do it!


Welcome to Christoph's webpage!

Enjoy your stay and read on!
First, some information about myself:

I graduated with a Ph.D. in German Literature from the University of Florida in May 1998. The Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies was, so to speak, for a long time my home away from home in this world! For all of you who are prospective employers: take a look at Christoph's Curriculum Vitae, his teaching philosophy statement and you may also read his bookreport about Tucholsky. From August 1998 to August 2000, I taught at the regional campus of the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) in Schwäbisch Gmünd in the heart of Europe in southern Germany. This college was just 40 minutes away from Stuttgart and offered undergraduate education for study abroad students as well as for exchange students majoring in International Business, International Relations, English, Psychology, German Language and Literature, German Studies, Political Science, History and much more. To teach in the heart of the "Ostalb" provided an opportunity for me and all of the students there to learn more about Europe and Germany.
Unfortunately, the administration of the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) decided in January 2002 to "pull the plug" on this exciting project due to failing financial prospects of its regional campus in Schwäbisch Gmünd!

The official version of their decision:
Schwäbisch Gmünd Closure
General Announcement
At the end of the Spring 2002 semester, University of Maryland University College closed permanently the international student residential campus in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. The university made this difficult decision for financial reasons. Since its inception in 1992, the Schwäbisch Gmünd campus operated at a significant annual deficit, and the University, as a State of Maryland public university, is not able to sustain the financial losses in the face of formidable challenges in the current economic and technological environment.

The decision to cease operations in Schwäbisch Gmünd was not easy. The campus provided students from around the world the unique experience of an American education in an historic European setting. Many people in Europe and in Adelphi, Maryland, worked tirelessly over the past decade to make our German campus a success. In this endeavor, the University enjoyed the participation and support of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd. It is with regret that all these efforts did not change the fundamental financial profile of the campus.

It should be noted that this action does not affect in any way UMUC's operations with the U.S. Department of Defense. UMUC is the major provider of educational opportunities to U.S. service members on military bases throughout Europe and Asia. The Schwäbisch Gmünd campus is not connected to those operations.

Student Information
For information about transcripts, courses taken, or degrees, please contact Cynthia Lyons, Associate Registrar, at
For information about SG-related financial assistance please contact James E. Green at

Alumni Information
For alumni information, please contact Cynthia Sikorski, Director of Alumni Relations, at

Faculty/Staff Information
For information about employee personnel records, please contact Jean Bielefeldt, Director of Human Resources Services, at
End of the official version of the UMUC closure

One project of my students at UMUC/Schwäbisch Gmünd investigated the meaning of the German word "Heimat" - a term which is almost not to translate into English. It basically means the feeling, hope or place where one feels comfortable and the surroundig one considers "home" - a feeling or place which is hard to find in our mobile, fragmented world of bits and bytes, miles and more.... So, if you are interested, link to the "Heimat" page.

Right now, I am teaching at the Parler-Gymnasium in Schwäbisch Gmünd , one of the three local highschools in town.
Before, i.e. from 2001-2002, I taught at the Hans-Baldung-Gymnasium in Schwäbisch Gmünd , another one of the three local highschools in town.
During the spring and summer terms in 2001 , I taught at the Schiller International University in Heidelberg , a place for international education in business studies, English, German, international relations and more. Come and visit, at least the website! SIU also has other campuses in Florida, Spain, France and Switzerland. Also, from 1994 to 1997, I was a German instructor at the University of South Carolina and taught up to 4 courses per semester in the Department of Germanic, Slavic & Oriental Languages . Their one year exchange program takes place at the Universität Bamberg, whereas the German Department at the University of Florida has an ongoing exchange program with the University of Mannheim.

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You are still there? I can't believe it!

Well - maybe you want to check out some film sites now?
Here, hungry Jack or Jane, look no further:
Trailer Park
AMG Allmovie Database

And here are some German movie sites:
United International Productions (UIP)
Filmzeit: Filme von anno dazumals

Are you interested in German sites? I can recommend these:
Nachrichten, Zeitungen und Zeitschriften:
Rheinische Post Online
Die Welt Online
Der Spiegel Online
SZ Online
Deutsche Welle
Der Stern
Public Online Kiosk
TV Today Online
Die Zeit: deutsches Wochenmagazin

Kulturelles, Museen, Kunst, Musik:
German Studies Trails
IBS International Brecht Society
Deutsches Museum, Munich
Sofies Welt
Alle deutsche Museen
Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
Kurt-Tucholsky-Gesellschaft, Berlin
Classical Music Pages

Die besten deutschen Suchmaschinen:
deutscher Yahoo
deutscher Lycos

Für die deutschen Besucher meiner Website:
Da ich eine Seite mit interessanten Dokumenten, Links und Programmen für den katholischen Religionsunterricht an Gymnasien bei Yahoo Groups eingerichtet habe, sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, auch dort mal hineinzuschauen, und zwar bei der sogenannten "Theolweb"-Seite (Sie können sich gleich hier dafür eintragen!):

Theolweb abonnieren
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Deutsche Literatur im Internet:
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Und zur Hilfe noch eine Suchmaschine:
Webseiten suchen in der Leselupe:

Suchen Sie in der umfangreichen Datenbank
der Leselupe-Literatursuchmaschine!

Sonstiges: Kostenlos im Internet, Mitfahrzentrale, Bildschirmschoner, Autos, Fussball und Sport, Expertenhilfe:
Kostenloses im Internet
Alles rund ums Auto: Motor-Presse
Ran: Fussball und Sport
Expertenrat: Wer weiss was?
Maybe you rather read the news in English? Then there are some good sources here:
USA Today
The New York Times
CNN Interactive
The Washinton Post
Time Magazine Online
The Wall Street Journal

Hey, don't just hang around! Get involved with one of these fine organisations:
Amnesty International
The Peacecorps
The March of Dimes
The World Wildlife Fund

Finally, for all you comics freaks: some sites that will make your mouth water!
Snoopy's Doghouse
Garfield Online: The fat cat
The offical Simpsons page
The unofficial Simpsons page (whoa, man!)

Do you want to find someone in this big, big world? Try this:
555-1212.comFind out who is where!

In search of something in this confusing universe? Try Yahoo:

[ Yahoo! ] options

Are you lost in space? Then try this great site to find your orientation again:

Do you develop webpages and need help or resources?
Please try:
The Stars Page for Web Development
Iconbazaar: pictures for your Website
Top-Network 95: Windows applications in German
Krahmer: HTML fuer Anfaenger (German text)
UrlPlus: register your webpage

And even more links...

Please visit the sponsor of this page:
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
University of Maryland University College in Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany
University of Maryland University College (UMUC)
The University of Florida Homepage
Dept. of Germanic & Slavic Studies, University of Florida
Hotmail: Free E-Mail for Life!
Bluemountain: free electronic postcards
Essential Links (The Ultimate Link Page)
Expedia Travel Service (book your flight online)
The FineSite: Arts, Design, Photography, Culture, History, Science
The Voice Of The Shuttle
The New Scientist Online

I hope you will sign my guestbook before you leave?!

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This page was created September 15, 1997 by Christoph J. Geißler. Last revision: August 27, 2002