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Austrian Olympic Committee

In February 1896 the "Austrian Committee for the Olympic Games in Athens" was founded. The Committee had the task of selecting an Austrian delegation for the participation in the first Olympic Games in Athens and to organise the financing.

A similar Committee was constituted for the 1900 Games in Paris.

In 1904, Austria was only represented by two athletes: Otto Wahle, swimming, and Julius Lenhart, gymnastics, who was quoted as a US citizen in the international record-statistics by mistake, he was living in the USA, but had never been a US-citizen.

In 1906, an organisation was founded, which acted as the highest official authority for sports in Austria. The most important Austrian sports federations were members of this organisation, namely the Athletics-Association, the Swimming, Football, Fencing, Rowing and Cycling Federations.

In February 1908, another meeting for the foundation of the highest sports authority in Austria took place. Again, the largest sports federations were represented, among them were the Lawn Tennis Federation, the Austrian Car Club and the Club WAC, which represented hockey sports. They agreed on the constitution of an "Austrian Olympic Committee". Later the name was changed into "Central Sports Committee". On March 16th, 1908, the board was elected. Graf Hans Wilczek became Honorary President, as he had been an enthusiastic promoter of sports in Austria and especially of the Olympic Games since 1896. Mr. Balduin Groller was elected President. He was an author.

On April 16th, 1912, the "Central Committee" organised a big banquet in the honour of it's Honorary President, Fürst Otto Windischgraetz and of Graf Rudolf Colloredo-Mannsfeld (IOC Member). On June 17th, 1912, the Committee nominated the team for the Games in Stockholm. At this time Dr. Otto Herschmann became President of the NOC and was also a member of the Olympic Team. He happened to win a silver medal in the team event of sword fencing. This was the only time that an active President of the Olympic Committee was at the same time an athlete and won a medal!

After 1918 the "Central Federation" as it was called then, was named "Austrian Federation for Sports".

On June 19th, 1935, the name was again officially changed into "Austrian Olympic Committee".

The Olympic Committee was liquidated in 1938 upon Austria's annexation to Germany.

On December 11th, 1946, the Austrian Olympic Committee was re-established and the first President was Dr. Josef Gerö. Dr. Heinrich Drimmel followed him and afterwards Dr. Heinz Pruckner was President.

From 1973 to 1990 Kurt Heller was President of the NOC Austria. Kurt Heller had also been President of the Association of the European National Olympic Committees 1987 to 1989. He passed away in August 1990, of a heart attack.

Dr. Leo Wallner was elected President of the Austrian Olympic Committee in December 1990. He is General Manager of "Casinos Austria AG" and President of the Management Board of "Austrian Lotteries" Corporation. Dr. Wallner was unanimously re-elected President of the NOC Austria in 1993 and most recently in February 1997.

Even before he became President of the NOC he was in a leading position during the process of establishing a state-law to guarantee the financing of sports in Austria, the money is coming from Lotto and Toto-Gambling. For many years the NOC Austria had tried to achieve an effective protection of the Olympic Symbols. After intensive discussions, Dr. Wallner had had with the governing political parties a bill for the protection of the Olympic Symbols in Austria passed into a state law unanimously.

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