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What's New?

I updated just about everything today so check it out! Changed format, no more club. Not enough members to warrent a club.Hopefully I'll be spicing things up a little to make things more "exciting".So, tell your friends and keep a close eye.More comments later when it's not one o'clock in the morning ; )


Well, I'm not doing too well with the updates but I'll keep trying : )

We have reached the 500th visiter mark! That is great! Even though most of it was me checkin on the site, it's just encouraging to see that.

I haven't gotten any Tips, Tricks and Idea submitions yet. C'mon people! I know youv'e got 'em, so e-mail me with them!

I'm having to de-box my Charity Ball Barbie (oh darn). She was damaged when my son decided that it would be fun to jump on the box. Kids, what are ya gonna do? Luckily the Barbie was not damaged in the battle, so she'll have a place of honor in my display case.

I have recently aquired a 1973 Quick Curl Barbie, gauze sleved, pink gingham dress. It's in great shape and I can't wait to get a scanner so I can show it to yall. In due time I suppose.

Well, that's all for now! If anyone has any suggestions or comments please fell free to e-mail me anytime. I check my mail several times a week.



Today I added to the Tips, Tricks and Ideas page so if you have any of those (ideas) for revamping/restoring Barbie, e-mail them to me and I will submit it to the page and add your name and comment about how it worked.

I'm going to take out the photo contest cause I haven't gotten any responses, so that's outta here. But you can still send photos and I'll post them.



Wow, I am so excited! Why you ask? Well, I was doing some "spring" cleaning and I found my box of old barbies . I knew I had them somewhere, I just didn't know they were in my closet. There is 4 Barbies, 3 skippers (one is Sunsational Skipper with the painted-in tan lines) one Ken, and about 5 bags of old Barbie clothes! I can't wait to dig in there and see what treasures I find. I'll keep you guys informed.

I'm going to add a new section "Tips, Tricks and Ideas", this will be for those of us who like to fix up old Barbie's or just want to revamp a little.

I still need links for the fav links list! And I still haven't gotten any pictures for the contest, so start snapping away!!!



I know that I have been absent for a while, working 42 hours a week will do that to a gal. Anyhoo, I have done away with the 1998 sneaky peaky and have put in it's place " Top 10 Barbies". This is a list that I get from a magazine of the top 10 selling Barbies according to a bunch of stores and shops and such. This will be updated monthly with the release of the magazine that I get the list from.

I haven't gotten anymore membership requests so tell your friends about us...spread the word. I still owe some members thier membership packages, take heart, you'll get them soon. Cross my Barbie luvin heart !!

Also we are still a little lacking in the favorite links area, so, submit some today !

Watch for more changes in the next few weeks....time for a re-vamp.

That's it for today......BFN



I recieved a letter today from a lady in Akron, Ohio. It wasn't very long but she said it all. What do I mean? Well, she said, of course, that she loves and collects Barbie and all her counterparts, but most of all that her granddaughter collects too. And that is more important than anything, the fact that grandmother, granddaughter, mother, daughter, maybe even father, and more, can get together on one specific thing and enjoy it together. I, personaly, think that that is one of the most important things about collecting Barbie, or anything for that matter, that a family can do it together. So Sonja D. , if you are out there in cyber space, reading this, thank you for your letter and I look forward to hearing from you again.

Okay, as of today, we have 3 official members, including myself. Not bad for only one full month of operation, but it could be better. The 2 members other than me are Debbie C, from Staton Island, NY and Julie M. from Lancaster, PA. Both Debbie and Julie will recieve a For the Love of Barbie member certificate and a keychain of the '59 Barbie in her b/w swimsuit. I have one keychain left, I might be able to get more but I am not sure, so it will go to the next person whos application I get for membership (see membership page for details). If I can get more they will go to the next people who apply and so on. Everybody after that will get an outfit or accesories, if you want you can tell me your favorite color in your application letter and I will see what I can do. So make sure to include your membership fee, this is what part of it goes for.

I am thinking of changing the club e-mail because I am having some trouble with the system I am using now. So keep checking back and make a note to the new e-mail when it arrives.

I am also looking into getting a "bookstore" from Amazon so you can buy books on Barbies. Look for it in the next couple of weeks. That is all for now, looking forward to hearing from all of you.



It has been a while since I've uptdated anything so tonight is the night. Look for some changes throughout, and if you think that the pink is too much don't worry, I'll probably change it soon enough.

That reminds me, if anyone knows where or how I could get some Barbie wall paper I would appreciate some info. I've looked around some, with no success so any information would be helpful.

Look for more on the 1998 previews, which isn't much of a preview any more but it tell you a little about each of the Barbie's.

If you want to know how much your Barbie is worth on the market and you don't have access to a price guide, I get one every month, so just email me and I'll try to help you out.

I am gathering ideas for a snail mail newsletter (for members only, so join now) so if anyone has any ideas they are more than welcome.

That is all for now, if you have any questions or comment you can visit our message board or e-mail me directly.



I have had great feedback from people looking at the club and wanting to join, so keep the emails coming. I haven't been on much this week because I'm on vacation and have been really, really busy, but I will try to make up for that tonight. I am going to start on a new section telling you about the Barbies coming out in '98. It's going to be rather lengthy so I might not get it all done before I leave for Orlando on Friday. But, fear not ! I shall return on the 11th or 12th and will resume normal activity shortly thereafer (eeks, I'm starting to sound like a Barbie Shakespear play). So please feel free to peruse the new items and I will see you all later ! Oh yes, and I need more favorite links, that page is pretty bare!



Just a quick note before I tuck myself in for the night. I will be updating "What's New?" a couple of times a week, so visit often to get the latest update on the club info. I will be back on before the end of the week to add more to this section....also look for another section that will be coming soon, called "Tid-bits". What is tid-bits you ask? will just have to come back soon and check it out for be continued.

For the Love of Barbie Home Page
