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Picture This !!!!!!!!!!

If you are like I was until a few months ago you didn't have one,know what one was, or especially how to operate it. That particular item im talking about is a Scanner. Well since that time I've become very well acquainted with mine. Now on to my reason for us being here. I simply wanted to offer you the benefits of all my hard work How would you like to have your pictures scanned into your computer. Just think of all the endless possibilities, how about Christmas Cards,Birthdays,Valentines,Resumes,Faxes, or just to add that Personal Touch to E-mails. Think of all those old family pictures you have stored away, save all of those precious memories on your hard drive or on a 3.5 disk so that your children by the time they are old enough to appreciate those photos will be able to enjoy them also.  Stop and think for a second , if something happened to your home today Could you replace all those special photos. Take it from someone who knows ...You Cant.   Do something now to keep from ever ending up in that position                           You wont regret it believe me .        My offer to you:  I will scan any 1 picture 3 1/2 x 5 or smaller for $4.00each             any 4 pictures 3 1/2 x 5 or smaller for $3.00each     10 pictures or more 3 1/2 x 5 or smaller for $2.00each       I will scan any 1 picture 5 x 7 for  $5.00each                any 4 pictures 5 x 7 for  $4.00each            10 pictures or more 5 x 7 for  $3.00each      I will scan any 1 picture 8 x 10 for $6.00each                  any 4 pictures 8 x 10 for $5.00each            10 pictures or more 8 x 10 for $4.00each     I will scan any 1 picture 10 x 13 for $7.00each                any 4 pictures 10 x 13 for $6.00each           10 pictures or more 10 x 13 for $5.00each Please add $2.50 S&H If you would like your original photos returned to you . or enclose a S.A.S.E. with the appropriate postage attached. Also don't forget to enclose your physical address as well as your e-mail address. All of your scanned photos will be sent to your e-mail address unless undeliverable. If you would like to incorporate a border, a card or just some graphics,or maybe a saying with your photo please feel free to e-mail me with your questions prior to ordering.                                               Please pay by personal check,money order or cashiers check              Send To:      DTDirect                            P.O. Box 250685                            Holly Hill FL. 32125     Please print out this page and send in along with your  payment for accurate delivery.Please print legibly.          NAME:_________________________________________       ADDRESS:_________________________________________     E-MAILADDRESS:___________________________________ DATE OF ORDER:___________________________________ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:_____________________________      _________________________________________________              Your pictures will be e-mailed back to you promptly if for any reason you do not receive them within a week or you can not download them please send m an e-mail and they will be resent to you again immediately. All pictures will remain on file until delivery has been established.                 Thanks for your time and consideration

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
DigitSmith, Inc. - Embroidery Digitizing & Custom Embroidery Services
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
