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PC Gamer
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Game Revolution

My review: So far i've played the first mission and seen all the tutorials. let's start with the tutorials. A player who has already played the first commandos will have to sit and listen to a boring speech but it its just a little thing to put up with because towards the end you are introduced to some new items such as the enemy control and the enemy unconscious items.

Things that have been added are things such as the in-game music and differnet voices, which takes some getting used to. Also, which is sort of a disadvantage, is that most of the hot keys are changed so at first everything seems differnet but you get used to it quick. A big advantage is that the graphics are greatly improved. Water looks more realistic and trees are not all the same, buildings are not just "copied and pasted" on to another area but every building has its own details and shape.

Commandos: beyond the call of duty is a great game, so far, and follows behind enemy lines very well. If you enjoyed the nazi killing strategy of the first game, then the second is a must buy.

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